b'Symptom ManagementPPssyycchhoollooggiiccaallSSuuppppoorrtti nMMSSinHHeerreeaarreettiippssoonnnnddiinnggaannddcchhoooossiinnggtthheessuuppppoorrtttthhaattiissrriigghhttffoorryyoouuBy Hannah Morris-Bankole Receiving a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis ones. However, I was not offered it and Icomes with a whole bunch of motor, sensory, certainly wasnt going to ask for it either. I justand cognitive issues, but it also comes with wanted to go into hiding for a long time, butthe less obvious psychological symptoms too. yet, ironically, I was yearning for some kindNot only can things such as anxiety and of support in dealing with the whirlwind ofdepression be symptoms of MS, but surely it emotions I had been forced to embrace all ofis no surprise most of us will experience a sudden. psychological symptoms in response to the I received counselling recently for bereave-diculties we have to deal with in adjusting to ment of my stillborn baby earlier this year. Iour condition. I personally found it took me a didnt ask for it, it was just a part of the caregood two years to nally accept that I had MS. provided following the event. I wish counsellingI never expected it to be such a long process. was provided in this way as a normal part ofButthen,justasIthoughtIdmastered it, the diagnosis process with MS too because Isomething would happen that reminds me was not brave enough to ask for it as muchthat I have MS. It might be the appearance of as I knew I needed it.a new symptom - or worse, a relapse - or evenjust something as simple as a TV program Even though the initial shock and processwhere a person on it has MS, or attending of adjustment is largely over for me nearlyyour annual neurology appointment; all of eight years on since I was diagnosed, I do feelwhich provide that subtle (or not-so-subtle) the need for a bit of psychological support inreminder your MS is still there. I tend to nd relation to my MS every now and again,that when these things happen, Im pushed especially during those times when thoughtsa step back. These are the times when I need of my MS come to the fore. I denitely needsome extra psychological support. it, but perhaps on a dierent, and less intenseBack when I was rst diagnosed, I could have level. Now Im content with seeking neededdone with some formal kind of psychological support from others with MS in online supportsupport or counsellinga safe space to just groups. Talking from behind a screen facilitateslet o some steam. I needed to talk to someone my introverted nature and allows me to talk toI didnt know so I could be completely honest those who know all too well about MS; theyabout my feelings without burdening loved just get it. This is the kind of support I need now.msfocusmagazine.org 24'