b'a call-in number so everyone can talk. Because restructure their lives and nd communicationthey\'re older, not many of them use computers alternatives. MS Focus is no dierent.or apps such as Zoom, and those that do have As many of us turned to technology andtrouble with the features. Some don\'t even online groups, MS Focus has jumped right onhave email addresses, so this call-in line is this wagon by going from in-person educationalthe pulse connecting those seniors with the programs to Zoom conferences, which reachoutside world. thousands when published in my group. IGenerally, a number people frequent share their content several times a month onsupport groups because they feel alone, and our Facebook page.throwing a global crisis in the mixture only Marcia Harris is on the ball every timeincreases that isolation. Some individuals are and is a present help to anyone I refer to thestarving to talk to others, and if a support group foundation. We\'re F**kin MS Warriors isis the only available place at a certain time, blessed to have people as caring and open asthey\'ll jump at that chance, Marcia said.an aliate; while life is so hard to navigateEven support group leaders, such as Desir with MS, friendly faces willing to step in andof Selinsgrove, Pa., benet from extra support. help you nd the solution is such a blessing."Michael Freeman and I are cocreators of the Marcia recalls newcomers who were skepticalglobal Facebook support group We\'re F**kin about support groups until they gravitatedMS Warriors. I handle the American side, as toward their leaders\' infectious passion. "TheyMike resides in Wales and leads members express gratitude because they didn\'t anticipateoverseas. Our group is more like a family and leaders imparting such knowledge and carewe are close. We\'ve been around for four years, in the meetings. What a great way to representtwo of which we have been affiliated with ourorganization!ThesevolunteersupportMS Focus.group leaders don\'t ask for a dime for theirI can\'t begin to tell you how much of a work, yet it doesn\'t stop them from gettinghuge help they\'ve been in getting resources involved with their members."and educational materials out to us MSers Appreciation between leaders and membersthat need it most. Whether near or far, the go both ways. In most cases, they\'re ghtingMultipleSclerosisFoundation willprovide the same battles as their counterparts, drawinganyone interested with the support they need. strength from each other, and validating thatThrough the pandemic, everyone has had to power lies in community. If you or anyone you know lives with MS andis interested in joining a support group, visit:www.msfocus.org and select \'Support Groups\' under the\'Get Help\' tab. Find your city and state in the directoryto locate your nearest support group on the left-handside. If you\'d like to start or aliate a support groupwith MS Focus, contact Marcia and her team atMarcia Ashton Veronica supportgroups@msfocus.org or call 888-673-6287.49 msfocusmagazine.org'