b'Many will accept all health plans but somepharmacist, etc). If you have friends who will not accept your insurance plan. You willlovetheirprimarycarephysician,ask likely pay less for your visits if your primarythem as well, but also look up reviews if care physician is in the network.you do not have more than one person 2. Find a doctor with expertise in your specicrecommending a practice. conditions. With MS, you should look for a4. Think about logistics. Is the practice easy doctor who knows a bit about MS and itsenough to get to? Are people in the office treatments. (You may be able to provideuent in your language of choice? thatifyoundagoodtonallother5. Visit the office, if possible. How attentive fronts.) Most of us have other underlyingand friendly are the office staff? Are phones conditions, so look for an individual thatanswered quickly? If possible, meet the has experience treating them as well. Anprimary care physician and introduce internal medicine doctor may be preferableyourself and your goals for the relationship to a family practice physician if there are(set an appointment for this). several conditions. 3. Ask for referrals from other healthcareWhat tips have you found to nd a health-professionals with whom you have acare professional that you enjoy working with? relationship (neurologist, other specialist,Please share with msnurse@msfocus.org. How has your MS care team positively impactedyourqualityoflife?Also, whataresometipstohelppeople choose their MS care team?"Micheleann Denes Slater Absolutely.Aaron Boster, Boster MS Clinic. After having MS officially for over 20 plus years, Dr. Boster has taken the time to encourage not just me but all of his patients "Live Your Best Lifedespite having MS."Mary Ellen SmolinskiI had to struggle to nd a doctor/team who wanted to work together to find relief for the MS symptoms I was having. When DMTs and steroid infusions were not alleviating my symptoms of severe dizziness, double vision, and muscle spasms, my rst three neurlogists just shrugged and said there wasn\'t more they could do. Well, one of them did refer me to the doctor who helped me the most. I was sent to a neuro-otologist for my dizziness. After a day of tests, he determined that my dizziness was caused by complete loss of vestibular function in my right ear. Although nothing could be done to x it, he nally sent me to a vestibular therapist who showed me how to cope with it. When I told that same doctor that I wasn\'t getting any more help, he offered to take me on as my full-time neurologist. And he worked with me to nd therapies that helped. msleisawrites Theyve all been great from the beginning. Educating me. Listening to me. Referring me to the right people. Theyre all awesome. Michele GoreckiBe your own advocate, listen to your body but also have an open mind, and don\'t quit moving.msfocusmagazine.org 11'