b'Research is another task of Kimanis day- Better Days podcast. He had just released his to-day work. It all starts with an idea, shedebut solo album, Sun Songs; I still have the said. If its something the Foundation hasntuncut phone call recording between us; as a 90s done in the past, I try to nd out if other MSmillennial who remembers seeing Everclear organizations have; if they havent, great, buton MTV, that was pretty freaking awesome. if they have, I brainstorm other approaches.Another standout for Kimani was learning Once I have a solid treatment, I present it tothat part one of an MS Focus YouTube series, Kasey, who either gives me the thumbs up orI Am Black History, caught the attention of guides me in revising the plan. Hurdles comeSharecare, Inc., a health and wellness company with the territory, and Im up for any challenge.that encouraged the Foundation to submit the When asked if editing a video was challenging,video as an entry to the Sharecare Awards, Kimani said that everything she does is newdigital health and wellness media in association each time despite her experience. Whether anwith The National Academy of Television Arts empty editing timeline or a Word documentand Sciences, New York Chapter, i.e., the New is before me, the outcome of what I create isYork Emmys. Despite I Am Black History: always different from the initial picture in myPart One not making Sharecares nominee mind. Sometimes, there is no picture, andcut, nor winning in 2021, I was over the moon you must take detours in the dark; but anthat not only has the video over 31,000 views image invariably ignites, and words whisper.on Facebook and more than 10,000 of them Whentheydo,Ifollowthem;theyalwayswere in the rst two weeks of its release, but show me the way. alsosomethingImadewasseenbyfolks Successes and standouts connected to the Emmys! That was a win inMany of Kimanis successes at MS Focusand of itself; you truly never know who is are between the pages of the magazine andwatching.across social media. One of my favoriteIn addition to writing, recording, and editing, articles to write was after talking to EmilyKimani also paints, sings, and is a mime in Blosberg of Mr. Oscar Monkey on how herher spare time. It isnt so Marcel Marceau, but pediatricMSdiagnosisledtofoundingamore of interpreting song through movement nonprot organization. It is in the summerinspired by sign language, so if someone who 2021 issue; I love her story and was glad tois hearing impaired sees me, they can under-capture it using words and, later, video, asstand. Kimani describes herself as a conduit there is an interview with Emily and Oscarof the Creator called to use the arts and serve on the Foundations YouTube channel. others through stories. Theres a design to A 2019 interview with NFL star Charleseverything, and I am only part of a bigger Harris, a 2020 Roundtable discussion on MSpicture; I believe that in my life and work at intheBlackcommunity,theFoundationsMS Focus. Were all behind the scenes, so to 35th-anniversarycampaignin2021,andspeak. Many of us havent daily contact with World MS Days I Dene Me series fromsupporters, but our outreach is in everything 2022 are among Kimanis favorite videos shewe do. Whether or not theyll ever know us is edited during her time at MS Focus. Cantsecondary;seekingfulllmentratherthan forget the 2020 interview with Art Alexakis,notoriety is a greater accomplishment than former Everclear frontman, on our Lets Findanything.35msfocusmagazine.org'