b'Medicine & ResearchBinns:Perhaps that one page list of questionshelp me nd someone who could take over that is recommended to be taken to your visitmy care.Anne E. might start with a bulleted list of what youBinns: The National Multiple Sclerosis Society were told and are following from your priorhas a physician locator website to direct visit. This will save time in recounting whatindividuals to neurologists who specialize in you were told, and also affirm to your doctortreating MS or have a signicant proportion of or nurse practitioner that you are an activetheir practice devoted to care of the individual participant in your care and are followingwith MS. Here is the weblink to that site: recommendations.nationalmssociety.org/Resources-Support/ My rst neurologist told me all my problemsFind-Doctors-Resources. were related to anxiety. My present neurologist found a brain stem lesion that explains whyMy doctor always ends the visit by asking I was having those symptoms. I love himme if I have any questions. I cant remember because he listens to me.Susan B.anyone asking me that before I switched to Binns:If, after seeing your provider for severalthis practice and it makes me feel valued and visits, you feel you are not being takenlistened to.Milo M. seriously, it is wise, even recommended, toBinns:I am hearing this comment more and get another opinion. I am grateful that, in doingmore from individuals who shift their care to a so, you got answers that work for you.Comprehensive Multiple Sclerosis Treatment I wish for better continuity of care whencenter or an MS Clinic.Over the past decade, my nancial situation changes and all of athere has been a signicant uptick in these sudden, I am told the practice doesnt acceptsites that cater to the special needs of those my insurance (Medicaid) and I have to startwith MS and active listening plays a big role in all over. I wish they could make exceptions ormany of these. How has your MS care team positively impactedyourqualityoflife?Also, whataresometipstohelppeople choose their MS care team?"Desire\' Linkens CovaleskiWithout the support and guidance of my neurologist, Dr. Aaron Boster, I would not be where I am today. Getting out of bed, walking, doing Pilates, helping others be the best they can be. Love the Boster Center for MS.Austin N. Damaris AldermanMy Ocrevus patient care team is off the hook. Love them. Iredell DavisDon\'t have a care team, don\'t know how to even get started. Need one. Im sure no one encourages me and I procrastinate. Teri JonesBest daughters, brothers, and all of their spouses, and their prayers are my support. Thomas J. WetzelRiverside medical group, treats all patients with the utmost respect (not just me). Carol Lee ManningIts been my family.msfocusmagazine.org 50'