b'take a few weeks for this medicine to workfatigue, or pursue further workup, if needed. inyourbody.YoureceivethefollowingMS nurses are also armed with knowledge message from the MS nurse: Good morning,to help you with the following things that do Mr. Smith. Im sorry your nerve pain is notnot always require an appointment with your yet relieved. This medication can take twomedical service provider: to three weeks to start to work in your body, Questions about medication side effects so dont lose hope. If your pain is very severe, I can talk to Dr. Starr about an as-needed Questions about disease-modifying medication for pain for a few weeks. Please lettherapies, including nancial concerns me know how you feel about this. Thank you. Education about MS 2) You have secondary progressive MS. Over Referrals to specialists or rehabilitative care the past couple of days, youve felt weaker Finding resources for help, such as grants and more tired in general. Your spasticity isfor services worse. Your urine is a little cloudy, but you dont Relapse and pseudorelapse management have symptoms of a urinary tract infection. You call the office in the morning and leave Research opportunities a message stating you think you are having Appropriate resources for nutrition, a relapse. The MS nurse returns your call andexercise, mindfulness, and stress asks you questions, suspecting you have amanagement urinary tract infection. She says she will Information about MS advocacy organizations, talk to the provider and call you back beforesupport groups, local MS events lunch. She calls you back and says the provider would like you to have a stat urinalysis. InHHoowwCCaannIIFFiinnddaannMMSSNNuurrssee??the meantime, rest and stay well-hydrated.Dont have an MS nurse at your neurology She calls you the next morning, stating thatoffice? You can contact the International you have a UTI. She educates you that oftenOrganization of MS Nurses (iomsn.org) for UTIs do not have typical symptoms in peopleinformationaboutndingonenearyou. with MS, sometimes they just make your MS symptoms seem worse. The providerThese special nurses can also be found providing has sent in a prescription for an antibioticeducational programs through organizations to your pharmacy. The MS nurse talks tosuch as MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis you about the potential side effects and theFoundation, the National MS Society, the MS importance of nishing the prescription,Association of America, Can Do MS, and MS even if you start to feel better quickly. Views & News. These advocacy organizations Whileregisterednursescannotorderoften ask MS nurses to share their knowledge medications, they can provide behavioraland care through webinars, podcasts, and advice about symptom management. Forlive programs. By becoming an advocate example, an MS nurse may talk to you aboutfor yourself and seeking out information, you increasing your waterintake,eatingmorecan be armed with information to discuss at ber, and moving your body to help with mildyour next MS visit.constipation. That same nurse may help youThe goal of the IOMSN is to improve the discover some energy conservation techniqueslives of all those affected by MS and to make to help you with fatigue. If the MS nurse is anhope happen. MS nurses are your bridge to advanced practice provider, he or she could prescribe medication for constipation orhope.19 msfocusmagazine.org'