b' Orthotics are for those needing mobilityOnce the application is received, a support assistance through braces, ankle-foot orthotics,services coordinator will reach out to each or corrective shoes.applicant to better understand them and bestSeating, positioning, and mobility are allsuit their needs. Kashanna Allen, one of MS modifying devices for wheelchairs, beds,Focus\' support services coordinators, said, and other seating arrangements. Included"Once we receive the application, I gather the in this category is anything that generatesinformation as far as what they\'re asking for better stability or support, reduces pressureand then dig a little deeper. More than just on the skin surface, or makes your life moresurface questions. Really nd out how we comfortable. Mobility aids refer to manualcan help them today and improve their quality and electric wheelchairs, scooters, walkers,of life." canes, and other vehicles for increasedOnce a request has been granted, the support mobility.services team goes to work to procure theLastly,aidsfor visionandhearingoffersitems and deliver them within a few weeks, magniers, eyeglasses, hearing aids, currencydepending on the items. Sometimes, MS Focus recognition devices, and beeping liquid-levelpartners with other organizations to make the indicators for pouring drinks. recipient\'s dreams come true for the larger Applying to the program services, such as home modications. They will come together with us and help get you To be eligible, applicants must havethe item you need to improve your quality conrmation of a MS diagnosis. Additionally,of life. So sometimes, when it\'s a significant one\'s level of disability, income, familypurchase, we won\'t be able to assist with the support,andassistancerequirementswilltotal amount. Still, we will be able to contribute help determine program eligibility. a large portion of it. Those wishing to apply have severalFeeling a needalternatives. The main option is to go online to msfocus.org/Get-Help under the AssistiveThe Assistive Technology program has Technologylink. Those without Internet can callcome to the aid of hundreds of recipients 888-673-6287 to speak with a representativeover the years, and the staff takes great pride who can mail you an application. You mayin the happiness it brings to those in need. To also speak to your healthcare professional,see what the clients have to deal with is pretty and MS Focus will mail the application to thetremendous. It\'s essential always to keep healthcare professional\'s office to be pickedsight of that. These people have the mental up at your next appointment. wherewithaltobearthisillness,andthey 37 msfocusmagazine.org'