b'I know he is busy. I also do not call to whineeach other up on things going on in our lives, or complain or nag him or even share goodourjobs,plansfornextyear.Ontheway news. So why doesnt he have time for me?home I brought up the subject and was told This is the complaint I hear from so manyits nothing I said or did, he is super busy with people in the support groups. Why wont myhis new stressful job. Its a two-way street and children call or come see me? I believe it is aI should reach out once in a while, too, and change in the generations and a maybe eventhat its not a competition between me and a little lack of respect. People my age wouldothers. A week later, he called again and we make sure they saw their parents monthlywentouttoeatanddidalittleChristmas and maybe as often as weekly if they could.shopping.Myheartwasfull.Mywishfor They would take them out to lunch, grocery2023 is that he will make time to see me at shopping, to medical appointments, or theleast once a month.hairdresser. Even if they considered it a partMy wish for you? Take the time to think of a job, they would do it. Young people nowabout how to approach your children about may be too caught up in their own lives tospending time with you. Dont use guilt and want to spend time with their mothers andlet them know you want to see them. Try to fathers. In their free time, they are busy withmake a plan where they can come by to take their friends and younger, more fun membersyou out for lunch or shopping, or even if its of their families or in-laws.to the doctor. If that isnt possible, maybe they could bring dinner over one night. Let your In my case, in early December we spent ankidsknow youmissthemandlovethem. evening together eating dinner and listeningDont let your MS be the reason you dont to some music down by the beach. We caughtspend time with your family. DDooyyoouuffeeeelltthheenneeeeddttoottaallkk??Please consider joining one of the many support groups that are affiliated with MS Focus. Please visit our website at msfocus.org, contact us at 888-673-6287, or email supportgroups@msfocus.org,to nd the support group nearest to you. We are always here for you.Please welcome these newly affiliated groups:Denver Mens MS Support Group Cherry Hills Village, Colo. Leader:David Pueger Sterling Heights / Warren MS Support GroupSterling Heights, Mich. Leader: Dawn Golda Please visit our website msfocus.org or email us atsupportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. 43 msfocusmagazine.org'