b'technology to potentially treat the progressionDr. Cohen:Were now starting to realize the of MS in people?mechanisms that lead to progression in MS, Dr. Cohen: The rationale for administeringwhich are probably present and play a role those cells in ALS was to try and promoteright from the beginning of the disease. Their repairofthetypeofdamagethatoccurseffects become more apparent over time, and within that disease. A lot of practical lessonsthediseaseprobablyevolvesgraduallyas were learned from that trial both on how towell. Our previous categorization of patients grow the cells and how to ship the cells to awas relapsing-remitting, primary progressive, cell production facility and back to the sites.andsecondary progressive MS, which are The administration of the cells in ALS wassomewhat articial. All the mechanisms for very well tolerated so we expected similar inall those stages are present to varying degrees MS, although every disease is different. throughout the disease. So, I suspect that in the Q: Will this treatment be more preferred infuture, when we have repair or neuroprotective oneagegroup versusanother?Isitmorepromotingstrategies,theyllbecombined helpful in the middle-aged population versusfrom the beginning with the anti-inammatory adolescent?DMTs, and we can try to treat all aspects of Dr. Cohen: So there has been a lot of discussionthe disease all at once. amonginvestigatorsaboutallofthis. TheQ: How do you see the future of NurOwn elder population with a more long-standingtechnology advancing and potential treatment severe disease need the treatment, but one ofoptions?the concerns has been that it may be getting rather late at that point. The nervous systemDr. Cohen: Even though the results of this study may not be able to repair itself, whereas verywere very encouraging and very promising, young patients with a relatively recent onsetit was a relatively small study, and it was ofMScanrepairbetterbuttheymaynotuncontrolled,meaningeverybodyinthe need the treatment. So, there is some sweetstudy received the treatment, whether it was spot and that is what we are looking for inone, two, or all three doses. So, the results this study. need to be interpreted with some caution. We Q: How does MSC-NTF cell therapy differ fromwere very pleased with the results, but you other types of studies published regardingknowtheresalsopossibilitythatatleast autoimmune treatments, such as hematopoieticsome of them were due to the placebo effect. stem cell transplantation therapy for MS?The next step will be most likely to carry out Dr. Cohen:The difference is the purpose ofamoredenitivecontrolledstudywhere both types of therapies. HSCT is primarily ansome people get treatment and others do not.anti-inammatory approach, its like a souped-upQ: Where do you see this research continuing version of DMTsthe intent is stop ongoingin the future? inflammation. The MSC-NTF therapy is intended to promote repair, which is a differentDr. Cohen: My expectation is that the results goal altogether. from this study will lead to another study in Q: How do you see this changing the waythe future, possibly a double-blinded one. The physicians will start looking at MS or possiblysponsor for this study is currently discussing trying to treat MS?options about a future study with the FDA.21 msfocusmagazine.org'