b"MS Focus ActivitiesAssistive Technology ProgramOptions offer solutions to a broad array of problemsBy Aron FyneThe primary goal of MS Focus Assistiveof eight specialized categories of options:Technology Program is to give those living Aids for daily living offers various self-help with MS the opportunity to improve theirdevices for bathing, grooming, cooking, eating, quality of life by becoming more independentand other daily taskssuch as reaching for and reducing daily obstacles. Before we diveitems on a tall shelf. in, let's cover a common question: what is assistivetechnology?Forthosewhodont Communication devices help people with know, assistive technology is any software,speech impairments to express themselves. equipment, or product that helps a disabledThese devices can range from a simple picture individualimprove,increase,ormaintainboard to a computer program synthesizing specic functional capabilities.speech from text. Whether for a hearing aid, a wheelchair, Computeraidsofferspeechrecognition or even grab bars for your bathroom, thesoftware, modied or alternative keyboards, Assistive Technology Program is availableand various input and output devices.to anyone with MS in the U.S. who needs Environmental control systems empower additional support in activities of daily livingthose with limited mobility to control various and recreational, educational, and vocationalappliances. These include window air activities. All equipment is ordered from aconditioners, voice-activated remote controls, licensedmedicalequipmentsupplierandsecurity systems, and personal emergency shipped to the individual, free of charge. response systems.Types of programs availableArchitectural and vehicle modification's The Assistive Technology Program startsprimary goal is to reduce physical obstacles with understanding the needs and desires of anin the home. This category includes ramps individual with MS and runs the gamut fromand bathroom modications, such as grab durable medical equipment and incontinencebars and shower seats. Vehicle modications supplies to aids for vision and hearing. Theinclude all adaptive driving aids, such as program runs throughout the year and consistshand controls and training. msfocusmagazine.org 36"