b'IHow is Your Relationship with Your Doctor? 8Questionnaire helps examine how your healthcare providers are doing.How to Fire Your Doctor and Find the Right Provider for You 9 NIdeas to help make your journey easier.10Choosing Your Primary Care PhysicianIdentify those characteristics that best suit working with your personality. TPCP vs Neurologist - When to Visit Each 12 Two lists: The rst is a list of when to call or visit your neurologist. The second is when to visit your primary care physician.HWhy People with MS Need Physical Therapy 13 The goal is to restore physical ability to persons so they can live the life they want.Specialists Play Part in Care 16ISpeech therapists, physiatrists, and dieticiansoften overlooked partners in MS journey.The MS Nurse in Symptom Management 18SThe hybrid role includes social work, psychology, and rehabilitation. 20New Stem Cell Therapy Aims at RepairWith NurOwn, researcher follows different path with mesenchymal cells.ICelebrating Caregivers 22 Contest provides a night out for those most deserving.Doctors, Nurses, PTs, OTs, and Dieticiansoh my! 30 SBuild a well-rounded healthcare team that works for you.36 Benefi ciary Profi le: Assistive Technology ProgramSPrograms primary goal is to give those living with MS47the opportunity to improve their quality of life. UCooling Program Application Giving Back 44 Our Focus 5 Takeaways 32MS Focused 46 E Upcoming Programs 33Ask the MS Nurse 49 Spotlight 34Doctors Notes 51 My Story 40Fatigue-Free Foodie 54 Empowered 42MS Focus Brain Game553 msfocusmagazine.org'