b'MS Focus ActivitiesKimani HendricksAfter receiving a Bachelor of Science degreethink. So, going from that to being here, being in Film from Full Sail University, Jersey girlencouragedtoshareideas,andknowing Kimani Hendricks hit the ground runningevery voice is heard was a refreshing transition. in south Florida and worked as a writer,Kimani is also a host of MS Focuss portrait photographer, videographer, andeducationalZoomconferencesandoffers editor. However, by September 2019, shetechnical support and oversight to its virtual sought solace eventually found crossing thechair yoga and gentle movement classes. threshold of the Multiple Sclerosis FoundationsBefore the pandemic, she had traveled to in-corporate office entrances. The moment Iperson programs to document the experience. stepped into the building, more peace than IIamavoyageratheartandhavemany had in two years washed over me, she said.travel aspirations; however, the highlight of I sensed the position was mine before I metthose trips wasnt so much in sightseeing but Kasey, the director who interviewed me, and,in meeting the people the Foundation serves. praise Yesh, I was right. Answering their questions, shaking hands, As Multimedia Communications Coordinatorand hearing their thank yous caused me to at MS Focus, Kimanis duties includesee I had become part of something bigger conceptualizing and executing visual story- than myself. telling to convey the Foundations messagingThat feeling only grew when an epiphany across social media and writing articles forfollowed a phone call between herself and a MS Focus magazine. Essentially, my rolerecipient of our assistive technology program encompasses everything I love to do, she said.who needed prism glasses. On my lunch break, Using multiple mediums, such as words,I called a lady to get a quote for an article I static or moving images, and music, to createwas writing, and she was a joy. She raved about something valuable. her ability to see again, and her expression of A part of something bigger gratitude was overwhelming. Before I knew it, Upon arrival, Kimani was surprised by thewe talked about family, things we loved doing, measured pace of operations and collaborativeand then it hit me: Gifts are extensions of the efforts between colleagues at the Foundation.giver and blessings to others. All of us are Previously, I never worked in a placidassigned people to help. Everybody can help environment. I was under several guns on asomebody. That has stayed with me since landmine; also, thinking outside the box wasthat overcast day in the office parking lot, and discouraged because they didnt want me toIm sure it always will. msfocusmagazine.org 34'