b'Other medications that may reduce COVIDtheirdisease-modifyingtherapyatsome vaccine effectiveness include S1P modulatorspoint. A recent prospective study attempted (Gilenya, Zeposia, Mayzent and Ponvory)to answer this question.and Mavenclad.In the DISCOMS study, individuals withPeople with MS who are on a therapy thatrelapsing forms of MS aged 55 and up were might reduce COVID vaccine effectivenessrandomized either to stay on their MS therapy or should discuss getting Evusheld with theirstop. After two years, there were not statistically healthcare team. Evusheld is a COVID mono- signicant differences between those that stayed clonal antibody given as an intramuscularon therapy compared to those who stopped. injection. It offers passive COVID protectionNew or worsening clinical activity was relatively for at least six months.uncommon in either group, and relapses were Discuss with doctorvery uncommon. DMT discontinuation was before ending treatment not linked to a difference in adverse events, MS is a lifelong health issue, but theMS symptoms, or quality of life. The decision to immunologyandclinicalpictureclearlystay on therapy or stop it is an important and differs over a persons lifetime. We know thatindividual one. Speak with your MS healthcare the human immune system changes withteam if its something youre considering. age. The calming of the immune system as we get older is called immune senescence.As we look back on 2022, I hope everyone The immunological phenomenon may meanhas had a wonderful year. I hope this year is that people living with MS can safely stopeven better.53 msfocusmagazine.org'