b'Symptom ManagementTThheeMMSSNNuurrsseeaannddSSyymmppttoommMMaannaaggeemmeennttBy Megan Weigel In a perfect world, every neurology office thatrequirements. That same nurse may be the cares for people living with multiple sclerosisperson who obtains a prior authorization for would have an MS nurse. MS-certied nursesyour medication, or appeals denials by writing must pass a rigorous certication examinationletters or speaking to your insurance company. that supports their knowledge of clinical practice,Similarly, an MS nurse may help behind the advocacy, education, and research. As healthcarescenes to get your MRIs approved by doing evolves, so does the role of the MSCN, who mustsomething called a peer-to-peer call and keep a nger on the quick pulse of new researchexplaining the necessity of the MRIs.in MS care. MS nurses can be found in offices,As you live with MS, you may develop hospitals, infusion centers, home healthcare,symptoms that need addressing. MS nurses are nursing homes and assisted living facilities,experts at MS symptom management, often academic institutions, and pharmaceuticaldeveloping creative ways to help you think companies. They may be registered nurses orabout and manage your symptoms. An MS advanced-practice providers. nurse may have taught you about spoon theory WeeaarriinnggmmaannyyhhaattssW or convinced you that pelvic oor therapy really The MS nurses hybrid role incorporatescan help your bladder issues. Traditionally, nursing, social work, case management,MS nurses have been the ones to educate other psychology, and rehabilitation. MS nurseshealthcare providers (such as physicians) about would say they provide the following:bowel and bladder management, fatigue,Education and psychological supportspasticity, pain, and cognitive issues. Advocacy for people living with MSMS nurses are often the rst line of defenseCare coordination and healthcare deliveryat your neurologists office. Workows differ adviceamong offices, but typically, nurses are theUncovering resources, primary andrst ones to see your messages. Nurses act neurological careaccording to their standards of practice andHope.nurse practice acts in each state. So, if you have An MS nurse wears many hats on anyasymptomthatcannotbemanaged with given day. nursing advice, they will pass your message W d ? onto a physician or advanced practice provider WhhaattdooeessaannMMSSnnuurrsseeddoo ?When a person is newly diagnosed with MS,for direction. Lets look at a pair of examples. you might nd the delivery of the diagnosis1) You started a medication for nerve pain two being done by an advanced-practice MS nurse.days ago. Its not helping yet, and youre You may also nd yourself talking to an MSconcerned. You send a message through nurse about disease-modifying therapies,the portal to your neurologists office. It gets including their benets, risks, and monitoringrouted to the MS nurse. He knows it can msfocusmagazine.org 18'