b'Natalie BlakeKasey Minnis Executive Director Executive DirectorWhen your infants life is in the hands of 17 percent of respondents said their doctor a pediatric surgeon, you develop a newprescribed an MS treatment without any appreciationforclear,compassionatediscussion or comparison to other available communication from medical professionals.treatments.This is a lesson both of us learned as young 29 percentof female respondents said their mothers. When you are watching your babydoctor did not discuss whether they intended to being wheeledintoanoperatingroom,orget pregnant before prescribing a medication, anxiously pacing the waiting room hoping fordespite the fact that few MS medications are word, the doctors and nurses who communicateknown to be safe for use in pregnancy. with you are priceless.6 percentof individuals who had tried more Fortunately, healthcare providers in thethan one therapy said their doctor did not pediatric eld tend to understand the needtell them why they were changing their for good communication. Theyre careful tomedication. make sure parents know ahead of time what The number of people who had changed to expect; they communicate throughout theneurologists for reasons other than moving process and make an effort to allay a parentsout of the area was 48 percent. Of those, fears for their child. Whether its a life-savinga whopping 55 percent reported they had surgery or a toddler with an ear infection,changed providers because they did not feel pediatric healthcare providers generally willheard by their doctor. carefully explain the illness, the treatments,These numbers represent a shocking truth: the timeline for recovery, what you can do atpoordoctor-patientcommunicationisa home to make the patient feel better, and takewidespread problem in MS care. Its no wonder time to answer your questions and concerns.such a high percentage of individuals with Unfortunately, that emphasis on commu- MS report not feeling heard if the doctors arent nication is not always present in the adulteven discussing basic treatment decisions. To healthcare setting. All too often, people whothose in this situation, we say, You deserve are diagnosed with MS say they do not havebetter. their communication needs met. Last year, aYou have the right to an active voice in your study we conducted of individuals with MSown care. You should have choices when it identied these alarming statistics:comes to your medical treatment. You need a 5 msfocusmagazine.org'