b'Medicine & ResearchNew Stem Cell Therapy Aims at RepairWith NurOwn, researcher follows different path with mesenchymal cellsBy Bhavya Suri Science and medicine have come a longdifferent strategies utilizing this mechanism. way since multiple sclerosis was rst consideredThe way our strategy works is using so-called a diagnosis in the 1800s. Since that time, wemesenchymal stem cells, which are a kind of have advanced to many different types ofstem cell thats present in most of the tissues therapies. One of the newest treatmentsof the body, whose job is to promote the natural available is stem cell therapy. repair processes in that tissue. So thats the Stem cells are like a clean slate of cellsbasis of this approach, which is to administer waitingtogureouttheirpurposeinthea large dose of mesenchymal stem cells to try human body. Several different approaches toand promote repair in the nervous system.stem cell therapies are being considered asQ: How does the NurOwn technology differ options for MS therapy. BrainStorm, one of thefromothermesenchymalstudiesthatare companies studying stem cell therapy, wentalso being used? a step further and will be using mesenchymalDr. Cohen:Many of the other studies have stem cells to try and create a therapeuticused unmodied mesenchymal stem cells, treatment. Theydevelopedatechnologywhere they are grown in culture to increase called NurOwn, which is currently showingtheir numbers, but their characteristics arent positive results in a Phase II study of theirmodied. For our technology, we have modied stem cell therapy. Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, directorthese cells to try and make them more potent of experimental therapeutics at the Clevelandso we may amplify higher levels of certain Clinic Mellen Center for MS and principalfactors. The second difference is that many of investigator for the trial recently discussedthe previous studies, including one we did the research and its prospective future.several years ago, would only administer Q: Can you explain in layman terms thea single dose, which did not show much mechanismofactionofthethree-doseadequacy. Now, we will be administering three NurOwn treatment?doses. The third and most important difference Dr. Cohen: We have a broad number of choicesis that previously, the doses were administered of DMTs that prevent the ongoing activity ofintravenously. In this study, we administer thediseaseandslowtheaccumulationofthem via spinal tap, which is much more damage. But none of those treatments promoteeffective,andthecellsaremuchcloserto repair, which is a big unmet need, particularlywhere they are needed in the body.in progressive MS. So, one of the approachesQ: NurOwn technology is currently being used thats been used to try and promote repair isto treat ALS, Lou Gehrigs Disease, as an orphan stem cell transplantation and there are severaldrug. How did that inspire using the same msfocusmagazine.org 20'