b'What did you learn?We learned about MS and how it affects people\'s everyday lives. We learned how MS affectseveryonedifferently.Thereareso many needs people dealing with MS have and there are several great resources available to them, such as the vital services provided by MS Focus and other organizations. We also learned that most people are willing to help. People generally want to help others, We approach any business that might beand I believe we are designed to help each other. interested in being a sponsor especially ifI think about this fact: we hold a festival there is a connection to MS. The event is greatevery year that asks people to donate to a cause marketing and PR for our sponsors so therethey probably know little about. Many people is value in being involved in this opportunityreally don\'t know what MS is and yet they to give back.donate. And our festival is growing because of What advice would you give to othersthe generosity of our sponsors, attendees, who are trying to give back?donors, performers, food trucks, vendors, Just start. If you have an idea to give back,and our team. We exceed our attendance don\'t wait on someone else, just get started.and donation goals every year. It doesn\'t matter what your idea is or whatWhat are your future goals? your skill is, just nd a way to help other peopleGoals for the future include an online in need.component of the festival so that we can get Start doing something now, learn from themore exposure and ultimately donate more experience,andmakeitbetternexttime.to MS Focus. Also, build a team from the start and work onWe want to continue to partner with our your idea often. A team can be two people.team, sponsors, performers, and vendors toUtilize each of the team members\' strengths.improve the in-person event year after year. I suggest building a plan for the year, breakWe want to add an educational component to itdownbymonth: whatneedstohappenour festivalsuch as a luncheonwith guest each month leading up to the event to makespeakers. Again, this helps to raise awareness sure it is a success? Have an update sessionfor MS, and that is our goal.periodically to review your progress. Lean onWhen I am older, I will want to turn the each others strengths to make the plan happen.event over to someone younger who shares On another subject: don\'t be hesitant aboutour mission. I want to leave a lasting legacy of asking people for money (sponsors or donors).the R.A.W. Music Festival as we raise awareness People generally want to help. Plus, if theywith music for multiple sclerosis. say no, you say, "okay" with a smile and moveTo learn more or to get involved, email on to the next person.JayBone at jbonefett@gmail.com. 45msfocusmagazine.org'