b'doctor who takes the time to understand yourpercent), or were insured all year but were circumstances before making recommendationsunderinsured, meaning that their coverage on whats right for you. You deserve to feeldidnt provide them with affordable access seen and heard.to healthcare (23 percent). In this issue, we provide some practical 46 percent of respondents said they had advice for dealing with your doctors. For example,skipped or delayed care because of the cost. on page 8, youll nd a worksheet that will help 42 percent said they had problems paying you evaluate your relationship with your doctormedical bills or were paying off medical debt. and discover if youre really getting what youFor those who are uninsured but have a deserve out of the relationship. On page 10,diagnosis of MS, we provide help. Through Cherie advices how to talk to your doctor ifour Healthcare Assistance Grant, those who they spend more time looking at your le thanqualify can receive assistance with neurologists at you. On page 9, youll nd advice on how tovisits or dental care. Through our Assistive reyourdoctorandndanewspecialistTechnologyProgram,wemayassistwith thats right for you. reading devices, such as glasses, magniers etc. We also provide some clarity on who bestThrough our educational programs, all have to turn to in various circumstances. Whenthe opportunity to learn and ask questions of should you see your primary physician versusexperts in MS care. And the support service your MS neurologist? For what kinds of thingscoordinators who man our National Toll-free can you turn to an MS nurse? When shouldHelpline can assist you in nding other services you be seeing a physical therapist? Our expertsthat may be available to you. Reach out for provide valuable insight to help steer you inhelp by visiting our website at msfocus.org. the right direction. Click Get Help to learn more about our services. But we must acknowledge that this issueOr call our Helpline at 888-MS Focus (888-makes an assumption that will not be true for673-6287).everyone: the assumption that you haveGood communication will help to get the access to these types of healthcare providers.maximumpossiblebenetfrom whatever Were aware that this is sadly not true of allhealthcare is available to you. That starts with ofourreaders.Ina2022surveybythethe selection of your healthcare team, and Commonwealth Fund, this information wasinvolves you feeling heard and respected as revealed:the center of that team. We hope this issue will empower you to take charge and speak43 percent of working-age adults wereup for your needs. If you are not getting what inadequatelyinsuredin2022.Theseyou need from your healthcare providers, individuals were either uninsured (9 percent),remember, you have options. You deserve had a gap in coverage over the past year (11better. Tell us what you want to see in MS Focus Magazine.Email comments to: editor@msfocus.org or write to: Editor, MS Focus 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 msfocusmagazine.org 6'