b'Teresa LafordNominated Richard BoudakianShelby Township, Mich.Rick is my ance; weve been together for 14-and-a-half years. Since we didnt get married (not because of MS), he couldve left me but didnt. Rick chose to stay with me despite the MS to care for me. He has put up with so much, from me being in remission (almost normal), to actually dying in 2015, to slowly declining after back surgery in 2020. There are no words to describe Rick. I can say he is my rock, my angel, I dont know where Id be without him. Nancy PsterNominated Tom PsterPocatello, IdahoI couldnt live without my brother. I cant drive, so he takes me to all my doctor appointments and stays with me, answering questions.Mymemoryispoor.Hedoestheshoppingand housecleaning, and takes care of our three cats. He does all of this and never complains. I couldnt ask for a better brother. I want to do something special for him but havent been able to think of anything until I read about MS Focuss contest. My brother is truly a winner, at least in my eyes. Keep an eye out for next years contest in future MS Focus magazine issues. New Ways You Can Help Us Help OthersMatching gifts are a great way to double the effect of a gift to MS Focus. Ask the company you work for if they have a matching gift program or encourage them to set one up. If an employee makes a donation to a charity, the company they work for matches that donation dollar-for-dollar. Many companies would love to support a charity if given the opportunity, so ask them to support MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.25 msfocusmagazine.org'