b'Life with MSMS is that there are misconceptions aboutexercise program must include some type of what physical therapy is and what it can do.walking practice. If you are having trouble The rst is that physical therapy is just exercisewith balance, your program must include and this is not exactly correct. Although allbalance practice. If you are having trouble physical therapy involves exercise, all exercisewith mobility because of issues with strength is not physical therapy. orexibility,yourprogrammustinclude Physical therapists are exercise specialists.strength and exibility training. The exercise In the same way that a physician prescribesprogram must be directly related to the difficulties medication, a physical therapist prescribesthat you are experiencing.exercise. In the same way a physician makesThe benets of physical therapy prescribed sure they prescribe the right medication forexercise programs are well-established. On a your condition, at the right dosage, a physicalglobal level, persons with MS who exercise therapist will prescribe the appropriate exercisetend to have a better course of disease than program to address the unique way that MSthosewhodonot.Personswhoreceive hasaffected you. Aphysicaltherapist willappropriate therapy (along with appropriate make sure you are receiving the right exercisemedicalmanagement)aremorelikelyto program for your MS, at the right dosage andwalk for longer distances for much longer intensity. No two people will have the sameperiods of time. People with MS who receive MS, and therefore, the exercise program forphysical therapy are less likely to fall and, as one person with MS may not be the same asa result, are less fearful of falling, which results the program needed by another.in them having more active and rewarding R lives. The ultimate goal of therapy is not just ReellaattiinnggeexxeerrcciisseettooddiiffifficcuullttiieessWhen I or any physical therapist whoto make someone stronger, walk better, or specializes in MS sees a new patient, the rsthave better balance. The goal of therapy is to thing we do is to examine the patient to determinerestore physical ability to persons so they can how the MS has uniquely affected them. Thislive the life they want.will include examining strength, exibility,When I am seeing a person with MS for sensation, coordination, and endurance; asphysical therapy, my goal is not just to make well as all aspects of mobility such as walking,them stronger or better at walking; my goal is stair climbing, and balance. The purpose offor them to have better lives. For some that the examination is to determine how exactlymeans being able to perform better at their the MS has affected the specic patient. Basedjobs, for others it may mean being more active on the ndings of that evaluation, a specicwith their spouses or children. MS is a thief; exercise program is developed in order toit robs persons of the lives that they want to address those ndings. have. The role of therapy is to try to give some Every MS patient is unique, and thereforeof that life back. every exercise program is unique. The mostMy hope for the new year for persons with important thing about the exercise programMS is that all who want physical therapy are is that it helps meet your specic needs. Ifable to get it and, by doing so, be more able to you are having trouble with walking, then thehave the life they want to have. msfocusmagazine.org 1403708_msfocus_ad_r01v01.indd 1 9/14/21 3:40 PM'