b'MS Focus Activitiescontinue to keep ghting. To have the abilityWherever you are in to make their lives just a little bit easier makesyour MS journey, the all the difference. Assistive Technology This program is notable because of theProgram is open and gratitude MS Focus has received from pastavailable. The practical recipients. Eric, of Charlotte, N.C., said, "I don\'titems provided are a know how to thank you and MS Focus enoughtool to help those in need for helping me purchase my new wheelchair.feel more independent. I absolutely love my new chair. It\'s beautiful.To those on the fence Your generosity and your donors will help meabout applying for the program, Kashanna remain independent and active for years toAllen said, "Clients are hesitant to ll out an come."applicationbecausetheyfeelasifthey\'re Vanessa L., of Buffalo, N.Y., said, "I wantedgoing to get denied or the application won\'t to check in with you to give you an updatebe approved. While thats possible depending after a year of your assistance securing granton our available budget, we try to help as funds for the cooling mattress pad. My qualitymany people as we can. You will never know of life has greatly improved this summerunless you try. Please ll it out. We are here because my heat intolerance while sleepingto help. We\'re here for you. So please call us has been greatly reduced. It has even helpedbecause we want to do everything we can to throughout the other seasons. I wouldn\'t haveimprove your quality of life." been able to afford thisToapplyforthe AssistiveTechnology technology if not for theProgram, visit our website, msfocus.org. MS Focus FoundationAt the top of the home page, click the Get and the NMSS. I cant Help tab, Grants and Programs, then select thank you enough forAssistive Technology Program. You may all the work you do." complete the application directly from the Barbie, of Leesville, S.C., said, "I got thepage or email it to support@msfocus.org. The wheelchair. Thank you so much. I love it. Thisoption of printing and faxing the application is is going to make a huge difference. I can\'t waitalso available. Mail the physical copy to our to leave the house by myself now. I reallynational headquarters at 6520 N. Andrews appreciate what you do, and how you help makeAve., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309, or fax it to life a little easier for people like me with MS.954-351-0630. Have Your SayIf you have tips and suggestions for making life easier with MS wed love to hear them! Email us at: editor@msfocus.org.msfocusmagazine.org 38'