b'and provide strategies to help maintainbe followed. Diets, such as the Wahls Diet, the cognitive function.Swank Diet, or the Mediterreanean diet are P s often recommended for those with MS, while Phhyysiiaattrriissttsome people believe they need a less strict If I say physiatrist, what is the rst thingregimen and may want to avoid only certain you think of? If youre like me, you eitherfoodsorfoodgroups.Thetrial-and-error thinkIspelledpsychiatristwrong,oryoumethod of different diets and following the think I have never heard this word before.many varying recipes available online may Well, a physiatrist is a physician who takeswork for some, but seeing a dietician could the primary role in diagnosing and managinghelpspeeduptheprocess.Dietitiansare your musculoskeletal issues. The differencetrained to help you identify foods that can between a physiatrist and a physical therapisthelp your body feel better and cause less is that the physical therapist is the one whofatigue. They can help you gure out ways to performsthetherapy.Whendealingwithprepare meals that work with your schedule musculoskeletal issues, such as weakness ofand with your ability to use the kitchen as your muscles or gait issues, your physiatristwell. The additional bonus to this specialty is workswithyouandhelpstocheckyourthattheycanalsohelpwithswallowing progress in physical therapy. The need for aproblems. physiatrist is entirely your decision. SomeWith all these different specialists available, people go to physical therapy based on a referral from their primary care physiciansit is worth seeing what can be done to improve and others may want to see a physiatrist, soyour health and function. It is very important theyhaveamorespecializedphysicianto continue with the healthcare team you have working alongside their treatment for musclecreated, whether that be a primary physician, a issues with them.neurologist, a physical therapist, or all of them D together. Whether you are just starting your Diieettiicciiaann journey or have been facing the consequences With so many dietary options and opinionsof MS for a while now, it can be helpful to available on the Internet, it can become over- explore different specialties that are often whelming to know which type of diet shouldoverlooked.17 msfocusmagazine.org'