b'Symptom ManagementDDooccttoorrss,,NNuurrsseess,,PPTTss,,OOTTss,,and DieticiansOh, My !and DieticiansOh, My !BBuuiillddaawweellllrroouunnddeeddhheeaalltthhccaarreetteeaammtthhaattwwoorrkkssffoorryyoouuBy Christopher Hudspeth Building anything of quality can take timein person. A person in Atlanta may have and building your well-rounded healthcaremultiple facilities and options within driving team is no different. From your primary caredistance. However, a person living in Wyoming physician and neurologist to a specialist oror Vermont might need to spend a fair amount health and wellness practitioner, there is a lotof time driving to receive infusions, or even to consider. Creating your team with the rightstay overnight because of the distance from people for you is key to having the propertheir home. For some aspects of care, such support you need. as diagnostics and interpreting test results, Connecting with the right people technology can be a game changer, especially for second opinions.Wether you are looking to add or replace aWhile the main players on your healthcare person or treatment to your healthcare plan,team (neurologist, primary care physician, take time to do a little research and try it out.physical therapist) are the key to having success, Read reviews, take notes, and ask for assistancethe auxiliary players (dieticians, speech if you need it. Remember this is your team;pathologists, urologists) are also important. not everyone or every place will be a good t.Every member of your team should commu-Sometimes there are no other choices, butnicate with the other and be on the same when there are, consider exploring them. Thepage;only youand yourcarepartner will person or place you bring onto your teamknow if this is the case. Keep good notes and should have the experience, knowledge, andwork with people who listen attentively and personality that suits you. Come to your rstact on your behalf. meeting prepared, and bring written questionsTips to stay organizedso you dont have to remember them in theTo have a quality healthcare team takes moment. Just like you ll out forms before yourwork on your part. Here are some tips to help rst visit, consider a few important things foryou stay organized: you and your healthcare. Even if your concerns are not MS-related, they can prove to be Keep good notes.important in your decision-making process. Be prepared for appointments.Insurance and where you live can make a Keep an updated and organized list of difference in where you receive care. If youtreatments, surgeries, medications, and live in a rural area, the need to travel will be asupplements.consideration for some aspects of care, such Talk about your difficulties and issues early as receiving quality MRIs or seeing a specialistin your appointments. What might seem small msfocusmagazine.org 30'