b'WWhhyyPPeeoopplleewwiitthhMMSSNNeeeeddPPhhyyssiiccaallTThheerraappyyTThheeggooaalliissttoorreessttoorreepphhyyssiiccaallaabbiilliittyyttooppeerrssoonnssssootthheeyyccaannlliivveetthheelliiffeetthheeyywwaannttBy Herb KarpatkinWhat is multiple sclerosis? The answeralso see someone who specializes in examining depends on who you ask. If you ask a neurologist,and treating problems with movement. The they will undoubtedly say something aboutprofessionthathasthegreatestdegreeof demyelination, inammation, and problemstraining in restoring impaired movement is with the blood-brain barrier. This, of course,physical therapy. For this reason, I believe is true but if you ask a physical therapist whothat everyone with MS should be receiving specializes in MS like myself, you would probablysome type of physical therapy. Prreessccrriippttiioonneexexerrcciisseeget a different answer. To me, MS is a disease ofPmobility. I have worked as a physical therapist Persons with MS dont go to the doctor andspecializing in MS for more than 20 years complain theyre having a lot of trouble withand I have never seen a patient with MS who demyelination or their central nervous system;has not benefitted from physical therapy. theygobecausethey werehavingtroubleAlthough there is far better medical management walking, or with their balance. They cant doof MS than ever before, and this has resulted the things they want to do because they cantin MS being less disabling than previously, I move the way they need to move. This troublebelieve that persons with MS can have even interfereswiththeirlives.Althoughthesegreater improvements if they are receiving mobility issues are caused by the demyelinationphysical therapy. One of my primary goals as and inammation, the part that everybodya physical therapist is to try to make as many sees is the difficulties with movement. persons with MS as possible aware of what a Although the cornerstone of medicalphysical therapist has to offer (as well as management for MS is the use of disease- educating other healthcare providers). modifyingtherapies,inordertotreattheOne of the reasons that physical therapy mobility decits of MS, persons with MS mustis not used more frequently by persons with 13 msfocusmagazine.org'