b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving Back:R.A.W. Music FestivalFundraiser preps for its seventh yearSince 2017, JayBone Fettinger, of Woodbine, Ga., along with his wife, Tracy, have been organizing the R.A.W. Music Festival at the Flamingo Lake RV resort in Jacksonville, Fla. Their purpose is to raise awareness with music for multiple sclerosis. According to Fettinger, each year the annual event has exceeded attendance and donation goals. In 2022, the event raised $2,290.What inspired you to help people with MS? venuesincethebeginningandtheyhave My wife Tracy was diagnosed with MS aboutbeen incredibly supportive. ten years ago. Tracy had a lot of help from theOnce the venue was secured, we moved incredible doctors and staff at UF Health inon to bands, food trucks, vendors, and all the Jacksonville and MS support groups. After arest that is needed to make a festival work. few years of adjustment, we gured out whatSome bands, food trucks, and vendors from our "new normal" looked like. She has beenthe very rst event back in 2017 are still a part able to overcome so many of the obstaclesof the event today.she faced with MS, so we wanted to share theEach year, our event has a fundraiser on hope with others.Facebook that donates money raised directly I wanted to nd a way to help support her,toMSFocus. Thisallowsattendeesofthe as well as the organizations that supportedevent to donate and also anyone who is unable her along her journey, including MS Focus:to attend can still contribute. the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. We chooseOur marketing plan is simple, promote to donate to MS Focus because we feel theythe event as consistently and effectively as are doing the most good for people dealingpossible. We utilize radio interviews and PSAs, with the effects of MS.online event calendars, social media ads, As a musician in the Northeast Florida/yers, and print. We keep the marketing budget Southeast Georgia area, I reached out to somevery tight, so much of our advertising is free. of my contacts to create an event together thatAs the event grew, we built a team. The event would raise awareness with music for multipleis now larger than I can manage on my own, sclerosis. We held our rst R.A.W. Music Festivalso we have an incredible team for the R.A.W. in 2017. We are now preparing for the seventhMusic Festival. Each member of the team has annual R.A.W. Music Festival on Sept. 29 andspecic skills that make the event better each 30, 2023, at the Flamingo Lake RV resort inyear. Most of the team members are volunteers, Jacksonville.including myself. How did you implementLastly, as the event has grown we had to your plan to give back?secure sponsors for the annual event to cover our expenses. We are fortunate to have very Therstthingwedidwassecureourfaithful and generous sponsors, and we venue. Flamingo Lake RV resort has been ourcontinue seeking more sponsorship. msfocusmagazine.org 44'