b'Oxidative stress is caused by free radicals,EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttor unstable molecules that damage cells. WhenThere is no denying that getting outside is there is greater oxidative stress than there aregood for the soul. Absorbing vitamin D the antioxidant molecules to stabilize the stress,goodold-fashioned wayisimportant,and disease and damage happens. Oxidation itselffresh air truly has healing qualities. But the is a normal process. But just like other things,air we breathe is not the only environmental too much of a good thing can spin out of control.factor that matters. You can also be exposed to Heresanexample: youlove yourjobandyouth-robbing toxins by chemicals used in youre good at it. Its hard to stop and you endself-care and food products.up working more than 60-hour weeks for a couple of years. Your diet, sleep, and mentalTry this: Add in 10-15 minutes of fresh air health suffer. Work is good, but working tooexposure daily. Take out single-use plastics much causes harm. and microwaving in plastic containers.Alright,wearedonewithbeingnerdy.Mind, body, and spiirriittMind, body, and spLets dive into this fountain of youth. WhatHave you ever watched a child see some-can you do to experience the benets? thing incredible for the rst time, be immersed Id like to talk about healthy lifestyle changes,in imagination, or laugh over something simple? simply said: what you put in your mouth, put onIf that joy could be bottled, it just might be the your body, let into your head and heart, andclosest thing to the fountain of youth.where you do these things and who you do itChoosing to put positive inuences into with matters. We cant change our genes, or our lives, choosing to play, and choosing to change the number of candles on our cakes.nourish our spirits encourages youthfulness. Staying youthful begins with deciding toThink about your mood after watching the continueoradoptthesehealthybehaviorsnews for two hours in mid-2020. Would you and enjoying the journey of knowing you arewant to be stuck there? Now, think about your making choices to support your fountainmood after you read a positive affirmation, of youth. receive a hug, or hear your favorite song. Stay Change is not always easy, so lets break itthere.down in an approachable way.Speaking of your favorite song, how are F you choosing to move your body? Youthful FooooddThe food you choose is one of the areaspeopleusetheirbodiesjoyfully.Choosea where you can have the biggest effect withform of exercise that makes you feel good, antioxidants. You can ensure your diet is highand do it most days of the week.in antioxidants when you choose fruits andTaking care of your body by keeping vegetablesinavarietyofcolors;nutsforregular health check-ups for general health snacks; and use spices for avoring insteadand MS is also an integral part of preventive of processed sauces. Dark chocolate and coffeehealthcare.are also high in antioxidants. Try this: Add in 10 deep breaths a day, a Try this: Add in a handful of greens topositive affirmation, and your favorite song your lunch and dinner plates. Take out sodato your daily routine. Take out excessive news and sugar-sweetened beverages.watching and social media time. 13 msfocusmagazine.org'