b'keeping up on medical advances (my doublemantra is true: No two people with MS are visionnevertotallyresolved,causingidentical even if they share common symptoms. headaches when I tried to read), and memoryA treatment program that helps one person and word-nding problems. My ability to walkmay not help another, no matter how similar worsened but I was more fortunate thantheir symptoms. many, still being able to get around with justI have tried various gentle Asian martial arts the help of a leg brace and a cane. My MSexercise programs and traditional MS-focused gradually worsened as the injectable medicationexercise programs that many people nd to I rst used stopped being helpful.be helpful. These are not what works for me. I applied to enroll as a test subject in aI have found that having my own self-directed clinical trial on a new experimental medication.exercise regimen that I do while listening to I had always encouraged my patients toan online lecture series works best (with a bit consider clinical trials when I was in practiceof coaching from my physical therapist). so how could I not do the same for myself? I try to watch my diet, take supplements The new drug stabilized my MS and I made(vitamins, sh oil, alpha lipoic acid, minerals), favorable comments about the drug at theand avoid stress.FDA deliberations, which led to its approval.I attend appointments with my medical I continued its use for nearly 10 years.provider team (MS specialist, internist, Learning what works psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, physical How has MS affected me and my approachtherapist and dentist) regularly and ask to life?questionsabouttheirrecommendations MS teaches humility and appreciation ofbut do not allow myself to manage my care even small successes. I no longer promise to(a temptation for any physician). keep an appointment or attend a party. IA passion for advocacyhope to or I will plan to are the most I commitI have found a new passion to direct the to. Fatigue or malaise is never very far awayenergy and abilities I still possess. I advocate at and I know not to overdo things on days Iboth the local and federal levels of government have made plans. Even so, my true friendson issues that affect people with MS specically know I may unexpectedly have to cancel atand people with disabilities generally. This all the last minute. started when, early on in my forced retirement, That said, staying as active as possible isa friend said, You know the science behind extremely important. I get maintenanceMS, have cared for people with MS, personally physical therapy and my therapist is mosthave lived with it, and happen to live near oftengentlyremindingmetonotoverdoWashington, D.C. Have you ever thought of things. It is okay to not exercise every daydoing patient advocacy?andIftheexercisesareuncomfortable,My mental health has improved thanks to dont do them (I still have trouble admittingtime living with MS, my medical providers, to myself that if I ache or if something feelsmedications, lifestyle changes, family and tight that I am in pain, which my therapistfriends, and the community of people with is constantly reminding me about). MSIhavefoundwhohavebecomemy I have learned to avoid comparing myselffriends, allies, and supports. It is an overused to others I know or hear about with MS. Thesentiment, I know, but I am healthier thanks 49 msfocusmagazine.org'