b'Community Hopefully, the simple act of reading about CommunityCommunityandconnectionlightenusthe effect you can have on your biological age up, improve mental health, and increase joy.hasplantedsomeyouthfulseedsinyour Simply put, do good things with good people,mind. If not, then do this: close your eyes and and do them often. imagine a person, place, or event that makes Try this: Add in volunteering with a friend oryou feel loved, appreciated, or cared for. Let schedule a regular meet-up (virtual or in-person)that emotion ll you up. Take a deep breath with people you care about. Exclude activitiesin, and then let it out with a sigh. Telomeres (and people) who dont support your positiveaside, you already have most of what you changes.need to turn on your own fountain of youth. What are your fears and concerns about aging with MS? Also, what have you learned that could help others as they age?Rita Bourgeault GaudeI have no worries, as when diagnosed I was a quadriplegic in a hospital bed. I am now 82 years old and worked, raised my family, and now am reaping the benets of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I use a walker, wheelchair, or electric scooter. Still travel with my son whenever we are able. I am truly blessed. Desire\' Linkens CovaleskiI dont know.After 26 years, Im not sure. There are so many what ifs in life in general. I am just looking one day at a timeand for a hopeful future. Carl LoveI worry about me not being able to interact with my granddaughters, ages 5 and 7. I am 62. I would love to see them walk across the stage for their high school graduation, to see them off to college, then get married and have their own children. I know that\'s a lot. Maybe I will be able to see some, if not all, of their accomplishments. Mark K. FriedmanThe rst words out of my mouth to my wife when diagnosed in an ER on March 8, 2017 at 2:30 a.m.: "I do not want to be a burden on anyone." We dealt with my father, father-in-law, and several family members in the past with various cancers, and other health issues. Lori SloperMy worry on aging while having MS, is that a healthy person has issues while healing slower with age, so having to heal from either an injury or a surgery along with MS and perhaps mobility issues, cognitive inabilities, or even incontinence may hinder our chances of healing and cause adverse effects.Kari SmithI just had a neurophysiology doctor test my brain extensively and they found that MS has effectively interrupted my cognitive, speech, and my visual concepts. I\'m only 59 and I\'m already experiencing dementia-like symptoms but it\'s notits MS. Misty PilcherMobility.msfocusmagazine.org 14'