b'Life with MSM MeemmoorryyBy Marcia HarrisSome of you may recall that although I doMS have described similar cognitive issues. nothavemultiplesclerosis,IdohavemyWhile they cant be sure if it is the MS or own health issues. In fact, working here ataging that is the cause, we share stories that MSFocusappealedtomebecauseofmylet us know we are not alone.own chronic conditions. I have temporal lobeLets face it, we all have lost our keys, epilepsy, am a cancer survivor, and have hadforgotten someones name, or driven past our a number of surgeriesincluding brainexit on the highway. I bet you have walked surgery. I felt I could relate to those withinto the kitchen to get something only to cognitive issues because with my disability,forget why you went there at all. When we are I have them as wellparticularly short-termyounger, we might not think much about it memory loss. unless it happens often, but as we get older, it When I first started forgetting things, Ican be scary. I read that the brain is capable of recently had brain surgery. I had a job thatproducing new brain cells at any age, so had a lot of responsibilities that came with it.signicant memory loss is not an inevitable I started to forget the most important things,result of aging. However, just like your muscle such as how to enter a new employee in thestrength, you have to use it or youll lose it. time clock, where I led a vendor le, or howYour lifestyle, habits, and daily activities have to do a refund at the register. These were thingsa huge affect on the health of your brain. I had done many times and did almost daily.In an article on healthy aging by the staff This was not at all like me. What the heckof the Mayo Clinic, they suggested seven tips was going on? I was only 31, for Petes sake,to improve your memory: and shouldnt be forgetting things. Include physical activity in your daily routine. In my case, I was diagnosed with temporalPhysical activity increases blood ow to your lobe epilepsy, so there was actually a reasonwhole body, including your brain. This might I had short-term memory loss, along withhelp keep your memory sharp. If you dont other symptoms. After several visits to myhave time for a full workout, make sure to take neurologist, an EEG, and other tests, I was puta few 10-minute walks throughout the day. onantiseizuremedication,which,forthe most part, takes care of this. However, I amStay mentally active. Mentally stimulating now 66, so other factors may be setting in asactivities help keep the brain in shape. Try well. Many of the people I speak to who havecrosswordpuzzles,takedifferentroutes msfocusmagazine.org 44'