b'Health and Wellnessclasses and let them know if you have specicin-person and online classes. If you like to concerns or need assistance. Going earlier inexercise alone, just started practicing, or need the day is better because many pools that aresome direction, there are several videos on heated wont be fully warm until midday andYouTube that might for work for you. Find this will give you the opportunity to be in thewhat works for you and if you have questions pool when it is cooler, so you do not have anybe sure to ask them. issues with heat intolerance.FinaallNNootteeS ng Motivatedd FinSttaayyiing MotivateIf you have recently started a new medication, Sometimes motivation and getting startedor are recovering from illness or surgery, be when we dont feel like exercising is one ofsure to check with your care team about the biggest pitfalls we face. Staying in motionspecic movements you can do and ones you takes dedication, devotion, and drive, soshould avoid. While we want you to be healthy having a partner or training person can helpand continue moving, being safe is a priority keep us going. Keeping an appointment isto your overall well-being. Resting and relaxing often good motivation to move our body andalso has benets in the proper setting and show up. While not everyone needs a workout context. partner, those who do, have options of bothL dLeeaarrnnMMoorreeaanndPPaarrttiicciippaatteeSign up for our free online classes offered via Zoom. Visit msfocus.org and click on events to see upcoming classes. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for recorded classes. Find us at youtube.com/c/MultipleSclerosisFoundation/videos and click Subscribe to be notified when new videos are posted. Check with our MS Focus lending library for books and DVDs available on yoga, Tai chi, and gentle movement for MS At msfocus.org, click Get Educated, then Lending Library to browse our selection and request materials.What are your fears and concerns about aging with MS? Also, what have you learned that could help others as they age?Mark K. Friedman[Its challenging] never being able to commit to any type of plans, parties or family gatherings. Its hard to explain but I get somewhat embarrassed when I have cognitive issues or start having tremors around nieces, nephews, kids. (Unintentionally, I scared a kid once, when she asked what was "wrong"took some explaining/learning. All good though.)msfocusmagazine.org 20'