b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving BackOctane RacewayCreating a business culture that incorporates giving backScott Sanders has been the owner of OctaneHow did your planRaceway for 18 years, and opened Mavrix into give back work?2020.His wife, Julie,isthedirectorofOur business of 18 years, Octane Raceway, Community Outreach for Octane Raceway.is an indoor go-karting corporate and family Together, they raised more than $22,500 forentertainment venue located in Scottsdale, MS Focus this past year by opening up theirAriz., that sees more than 100,000 people venue and hosting silent auctions.walk through the doors on an annual basis. The Sanders are going on 17 years ofWe have tried to reach this large audience marriage, and are kept busy and entertainedthrough a number of initiatives including the by their son Brody, 11, daughter Dylann, 6, andsale of footprints for the local MS Walk, and dog, Maizy. They have both called Arizonacreating specialty cocktails or menu items with home for most or all of their lives, but love toall proceeds benetting various MS charities. travel and experience new places wheneverWe have also provided meeting or gathering possible. They are avid sports fans and enjoyspace for local MS groups, sponsored fundraising cheeringfortheirArizonaCardinalsandevents, etc. Phoenix Suns.In 2020 we opened a second bowling- What inspired you to helpinspired venue called Mavrix, and between the people with MS?two properties we now provide entertainment I (Julie) received a very sudden andto more than 250,000 people per year. We unexpected diagnosis of MS in 2009. Afterpartnered with an amazing local company called the initial shock wore off, Scott and I chose toCharity Benets Unlimited that specializes in focus our energy on nding ways to supportgathering high-end sports memorabilia for the ght against MS rather than allow thesilent auctions. Quite honestly, they do the worry and uncertainty that often comes withhard work by gathering and displaying auction a chronic disease to take over. Our efforts toitems in both of our locations. We hold ongoing supporttheMScommunityhavetakensilent auctions with bidding available to anyone shape in a number of different ways over thewho walks through our doors, and have raised years, but always with the similar mantra inmore than $22,500 for MS Focus through mind of "I have MS, but it doesn\'t have me."this initiative (and still going strong).msfocusmagazine.org 46'