b'MS Focus ActivitiesTransportation Assistance GrantBy Kimani HendricksAs with several other MS Focus services, the Transportation Assistance Grant arose from the Foundations Assistive Technology Program, has been offering limited transportation services for a number of years. The program covered minor car repairs and paid for paratransit fees, transporting persons with physical or cognitive impairment to desired locations at no cost to them. There are several pros to paratransit trips, said Derrick Lee, associate director of Quality of Life Programs and Services. For one, they range anywhere between two and four dollars, and, of course, the Foundation covers that. They travel in minivans and buses accessible for powerchair and scooter users, which isnt always an option with other services. And best of all, paratransit services are obtainable in most major cities worldwide.Despite its ample availability, paratransit has its drawbacks. Clients can only travel within the limits of their county using the paratransit system, Derrick adds. This, of course, is a hindrance for those who require crossing the county line to see their neurologist. Upon receivinginquiriesfrompeople whocouldnttakeadvantageoftheprogram,MSFocus searched for alternatives to accommodate passengers needing help that paratransit could not provide.Our goal was for members of the MS community to retain independence while properly managing their medical needs, Derrick added. We want to ensure that our clients have reliable transportation to make it to appointments at their infusion or MS centers, as well as neurologist visits. A new option became available with the rise of rideshare companies. In 2019, a pilot transportation program was launched, which quickly became a permanent program for MS Focus. Partnering with Lyft and Uber was an immediate success, Derrick said. It catapulted transportation to one of our busiest programs in under three years time, and it shows no signs of stopping. MS Focus covers a total of six roundtrips or a maximum of $500 per applicant, whichever comes rst. In some places, rideshares are pricier than others. Surges increase prices at certain times of day, and distance is a factor in the cost of Uber or Lyft trips, Derrick remarked. Its not unusual for some clients to reach that $500 limit before traveling on six different occasions. While that is all we can offer presently, one thing is certain, and that is we never leave you stranded.msfocusmagazine.org 32'