b'A s k t h e M S Nu rs eA s k t h e M S Nu rs eCherie Binns is an MS-certied nurse living with MS. She is the patient healthcare liaison for MS Focus and a member of the MS Lived Experience Advisory panel for the Foundation. A strong focus of her work is aging with chronic illness and she is serving in an advisory capacity to the National Aging Initiative. Her monthly column addresses the issues of living with MS.IWI WiisshhIIHHaaddKKnnoowwnnEleven things to keep in mind when thinking about your MSWith more than 40 years of living with MSagain (and again) until you are heard and a behind me, I got to thinking what, if anything,conversation is started that changes the course I wish I had known when I began this journey.of what is done for and by you. Develop a What might have made it easier? What couldrelationship with a person or people you have helped me get a diagnosis or treatmentrespect and can trust to speak for you when sooner? I realized that I have learned moreyour reserves are low or you are sick and do in the last 10 to 15 years than in all the yearsnot have the energy to advocate for yourself. prior to that put together. I put a post in theThis takes work because there has to be open MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundationdialogue about your knowledge and under-Facebook community asking the question,standing of the process and a willingness on What do you wish you knew and what wouldtheir part to learn, as well. you tell someone awaiting a diagnosis or who3.Stress, depression, and anxiety are awful: is newly diagnosed? In just 24 hours, I hadPeople suggested yoga, mindfulness, speaking dozens of responses that fell into several groupswith a counselor, and, if need be, getting on of similar answers.an antianxiety or antidepressant medication Here are the top answers that came in:for a time. I spent years dealing with depression, 1. Get an MS neurologist: I saw generalbut once I got on a medication that worked neurologists for years but when I switchedfor my MS, the depression went away. my care to an MS clinic, treatment changed.4. Dietary changes help: Many people cited I felt really heard, things that had not ever beenhow different diets helped their MS. That said, addressed were, and they worked with me tothere is no one diet that has been found to nd a treatment that saw me improving wherehelp everyone, so try things out and nd out I had only declined before.what works for you. Almost to a person though, 2.Learntoadvocateforyourself:Knowthose who mentioned diet had cut out sugar yourself and what is normal for you andand many had eliminated dairy and/or gluten. when something is not normal, speak up. IfMost also noted that whole-food clean diets you feel as if you are not being heard, speakworked best for them, without additives or 51 msfocusmagazine.org'