b'on an anniversary or any special occasion, isand having a hard time talking about it. something I wouldnt initiate because of howThat will get the conversation going.I feel about myself. I have been to a lot of MS2. Seek medical advice. Even though the support groups and found that other peopleconversation can be uncomfortable, talk to living with MS are having similar experiences your doctor about any issues with intimacy. in the bedroom. Your doctor should be your trusted partner Most of the people that I talk to at thesein care, and you should be able to talk about support groups tend to be around my age, soeverything,includingifyouarehaving I am not able to answer the question abouttrouble in the bedroom. If you cannot have whether MS is the culprit or if getting older isthese conversations with your doctor, it may affecting my desire to be intimate. If you arebe time to nd a doctor with whom you feel struggling with similar issues, here is whatmore comfortable sharing your concerns.has worked for me.3. Dont think about it, try to relax. The thing 1. Communicate with your partner. Problemsabout any kind of issue is that the more with intimacy can be MS-related, aging- you think about it, the harder it becomes to related, or from some other cause. But it isget over it. This is a natural act you have important to tell your partner that it is notdone many times. Relax, dont think about them. Let them know how you are feelingit and let it happen naturally. If you try too and they will try to help the best they can.hard, it may not work and you may get You may also communicate times of thefrustrated and eventually stop trying. day where you feel more comfortable and4. If at rst you dont succeed, try, try again. able to be intimate. Let them know that thisOnce you have communicated the desire to is an important part of life and you will tryregain your intimacy, let your partner know toworkthroughit.Youareateam,andthatitmaytakesomepractice.Ifthe teammates help each other even if it isntmoment becomes intimate, but not every-the most comfortable thing to talk about.thing is working right, let your partner know Ifyouhaveahardtimeinitiatingthisyou are still struggling and while this time conversation, leave a note or send a textmay not be right, you want to try again. By saying you are having trouble with intimacyworking together, you can overcome this. What are your fears and concerns about aging with MS? Also, what have you learned that could help others as they age?Mark K. FriedmanEvery day, I have an internal conict/frustration about not being able to do simple menial tasks as I used to. I was a handyman/small contractor, worked on cars, motorcycles, and now struggle at times to use a basic screwdriver efficiently for any length of time. I lost all my interest, enthusiasm, even "MOJO." And let\'s not get started on the SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY INSURANCE SYSTEM! Ive been waiting for appeal court date since 12/2019! Out of work since Aug. 10, 2017. Tim CarrAs you age with MS, you will have other health issues that come with getting old. Examples include diabetes, glaucoma, gout, and high blood pressure.39 msfocusmagazine.org'