b'NNeewwTThhiinnkkiinnggoonnBBrraaiinnEExxeerrcciisseessTen years ago, brain games were all themight increase their distance or a weightlifter rage. Companies claimed their games couldmight add extra reps, you can expand what improveyourcognitiveabilitiesandevenyou are already doing. Think about activities stave off the onset of age-related memoryyou enjoy that involve your memory, your impairment. The FDA cracked down on thefocus, your reasoning skills, or the speed at claims, but the sites still exist and some peoplewhich you process information and consider swear by them. Do brain games actually help?how you can make them more challenging For And what can you do to ght the cognitiveexample, if you love music, practice learning challenges MS may bring? new songs to strengthen your memory. If D you enjoy knitting, instead of using a pattern Dootthheeyywwoorrkk?? There is evidence that some brain gamesyou know by heart, try an unfamiliar pattern can help, but in a limited way. Just like withthat requires you to focus on what youre doing physical exercise, you gain strength only onto strengthen your concentration. If you are the skills you practice. Practicing sprintingan avid reader, join a book club and discuss a wonthelpyouliftheavyobjects,norwillbook with others to engage your memory and playing puzzle games improve your memory. reasoning skills.So match the exercise to the activity. PlayEven in your routine activities, such as memory games to strengthen memory, puzzleshoppingormakingphonecalls, youcan games for reasoning or spatial awareness skills,look for ways to challenge yourself mentally. games that require focus for concentration,See how many items on your shopping list and fast-moving games for informationyou can remember in a row before you have processing speed. tolookagain.Counthowmanyparking spaces from your car to the building and then Not a big fan of games? They arent thetest to see if you remembered correctly on the only ways to improve your cognitive health. way out. Figure out a way to count how many WhhaatteellsseeccaannIIddoo?? children are running around the playground WPhysical exercise has been shown to improvewith your kids without counting anyone twice.cognition, increasing blood ow and thus oxygenKeeping your mind active and engaged, to your brain. Sleep and good nutrition areeven in these simple ways, helps exercise your also important to brain health. But keepingcognitive abilities. your brain active and challenged is a strategyWWhheennsshhoouullddIIssttaarrtt??thats often overlooked. What are some waysTheres no time like the present. Whether you can do that, particularly if you are noyou are young or old, whether you are mentally longer involved in school or work?sharp as a tack or feel like your brain is made of Learning a language or a hobby are goodSwiss cheese, the sooner you begin to exercise options. But your cognitive exercise doesntyour mind, the better chance you have to have to be something new. Just as a runnerretain your cognitive strengths. 37msfocusmagazine.org'