b'MS FocusedMS Awareness Kits availableDid you receive a 2022 National MS Education and Awareness Month booklet from MS Focus? If not, they are still available. Call our national toll-free helpline at 888-673-6287 and we will send it to you. The booklet is designed to help you in three areas of awareness and advocacy: personal, healthcare, and public. This year, as part of our NMSEAM campaign, MS Focus has created a 20-page booklet titled Finding Your Place in the MS Community with information on topics such as how to take an active part in the MS community, how to avoid advocacy burnout, and how to support health equity in your community. Preorder a copy of our new booklet for African Americans with MS MS Focus is proud to announce the development of a new booklet, MS in the Black Community, made possible with support from Genentech and Biogen. Written by Drs. Annette Okai and Jacqueline RosenthalMS specialists and women of colorthe new booklet will be a fully comprehensive guide to living with MS from the Black perspective. MS in the Black Community also demonstrates how the diagnosis, treatment, and overall experience of MS is different from other groups and why it is essential to understand that.You can order a free copy of the booklet by calling our offices at 888-673-6287, or by emailing support@msfocus.org.Keeping your cool While its true that heat may intensify MS symptoms, cooling can offer signicant relief. The Cooling Program is taking applications through June 1. Applications can be submitted online or through the mail. All applications are condential and will be reviewed by the grant committee. For more information on the MS Focus Cooling Program, or to access these services, call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287).As we celebrate 35 years of FiinnddiinnggBBeetttteerrDDaayyss,, FMS Focus is embracing technology and making giving even easier. To make a donation today: Text MSFocus to 50155. Please share with your friends and family.27 msfocusmagazine.org'