b'Life with MSpreservatives and no fast foods. Lots of freshrather than working their way up and trying fruits and vegetables.several meds before finding one that they 5.Exercise is a must: Again, yoga and gentletolerated well. Most MS centers now are moving stretching were mentioned by a majority oftowards using therapies that are more effective those who said this helped them. Exercise keepsoverall at the beginning, rather than using us mobile, helps to prevent falls, and keepswhat we now call escalation therapies. us from losing strength. It also sets us up to9.Not everything is caused by MS: We often continue successful careers or work, and itfall into the trap of blaming all of the symptoms reduces that bone-crushing MS fatigue.we are experiencing on MS and miss a 6. Smoking is not your friend: Those whowindow of opportunity to address things spoke of this said they actually started gettingbefore it is too late. Do your annual pap smears better when they stopped smoking and theirand breast checks. Have your colonoscopies relapses stopped. All studies done on this sayand mammograms. Get your prostate checked the same thing: if you smoke, stop! Peopleannually. Manage health changes before they with MS who smoke or live with smokers gobecome added problems. downhill (even on meds) much faster than10.If you suspect you have MS but do not yet those who are smoke-free.have a diagnosis, get your life insurance policy 7.Journaling may help: Those who keptor long-term care policy in place, as it is unlikely journals were able to see patterns develop inyou can qualify after diagnosis. their symptoms. Was pain tied to activity?11.The Internet and social media are not What made fatigue worse or better? By keepingreputable sources of medical care: Donot track of your activity, your sleep, what you eat,share your MRIs, reports, or labs on social media sometimes patterns reveal themselves to youto get help interpreting them. Dr. Google can be and it makes it easier to manage symptoms.a quack. 8.Get on a medication and stay on it: Several people said they wished they had followedIf this article gets you thinking and you the suggestion to get on a medication earlierhave questions, email msnurse@msfocus.org than they had. Others said, knowing whatfor personalized answers. These are not meant they do now, they would have wanted to beto be medical advice but may offer guidance on a more effective med at the beginningin the process. What are your fears and concerns about aging with MS? Also, what have you learned that could help others as they age?Bethany Hill-AndersonLoss of cognitive skills and speech, as well as, being a burden to my family. Mindy Jones NeilsonBeing not mobile again or losing eyesight againvery scary! Tedra SoukupBeing a burden to my husband and my son. Ray SchnellS.S./Medicare benet reductions, drug prices continue rising, and the usual progression. msfocusmagazine.org 52'