b'MS Focus Activitiesmedications;instead,dancewithit,learnshe said. Within MS, the professional world how it goes back and forth, and how theyis primarily white, and although shifting, too must know to go back and forth - because if onemuch literature and programs reect white ghts with it, they are ghting themselves, too. heterosexual viewpoints. I dont believe a Diversifying communitysociety can be well when groups within it feel and programming disenfranchised, so I do what I can to ensure that something exists for everyone whenever Werfel facilitates workshops and webinarsI have the opportunity to present or write.on pain, stress management, and living withJoy in growth journeysfear while having MS. Nearly two years ago, she connected with MS Focus: the MultipleAs for her future, one of Werfels career goals Sclerosis Foundation. I was really surprised thatis to help develop and consult an integrated I hadnt worked with the Foundation sooner,MS center, where psychologists, neurologists, she said. Debra Forman, the educationalandphysicalandoccupationaltherapists programs coordinator, contacted a colleaguework together, train students in the desired of mine, and she put me in touch with her. Iareas, and focus on the entire person theyre really like working with Debra. In less than acaring for. I often tell the mental health year, Werfel has hosted two Zoom conferencesprofessionals I train that I dislike the term MS for MS Focus on managing pain, anxiety, andpatient, she said. When specialists look at stress and has recently become the newestthem in that light only, they miss the fact that member of its Healthcare Advisory Panel. they are, indeed, people, too. And if we can She is also educating mental healthget experts to understand that, it would be professionals on how to assist people whoremarkable. live with MS. The last webinar I did on theWhile she loves the therapeutic and teaching subject had about 40 specialists in attendance.aspects of her profession, Werfel nds joy in However, I recently found out that over 400 othersintheeldwatchedtherecording.the growth journeys of clients and trainees. Thatsexcitingnews,andIhopetheygotTo witness a newly diagnosed person or something valuable from it, she said. Shesomeone in a lot of pain, feeling overwhelmed hascoauthoredabookformentalhealthandthattheirworldisending,eventually professionals working with clients with MSblossom, get out of their way and take matters and is committee chair of CARE, the Colleagueinto their hands always excites me, she said. Awareness Research and Education programIts the same as when I worked in recovery at the California Psychological Association.and saw their wheels turn; when that light Werfelalsoparticipatesinantiracistcomes on, they realize it was less complicated training and sees it as a way to treat overallthan they rst imagined. Whether adolescents wellness. Understanding discrimination inor adults, theres something beautiful about any community, be it people of color, thosehuman potential. It is refreshing to see people who are disabled, or among the LGBTQ group,choosing to soar in whatever way they can I have been trying to bring that perspectiverather than repeat the same cycles. I love to the organizations with whom I affiliate,being a part of that.msfocusmagazine.org 26'