b'INew Leaders Face the Future 8 Natalie Blake and Kasey Minnis bring institutional experience to their new roles.NStaying Youthful 12 Are you as old as you think you are?MS and the Older Population 15Screenings, physical activity, and adaptation crucial to healthy aging.TKeep It Moving 18Gentle adaptive movement will help you stay active.HHealthcare Screening in MS22 Regular screenings for health conditions are essential.National MS Education and Awareness Month 29IFinding your place in the MS Community.32Transportation Assistance GrantSTransportation to appointments at infusion or MS centers and neurologists visits is provided. New Thinking on Brain Exercises 37 Do brain games actually help ght the cognitive challenges MS may bring? IMS, Intimacy, and Aging 38One concern for those living with MS is how will MS affect their sex life?Is it Age or MS? 41 SNot all vision, sleep, temperature, and cognition problemsare MS symptoms.Finding What You Need to Live with MS 48 SSolutions are as unique to the individual as the disease.UInbox6Giving Back 46 Our Focus 7Ask the MS Nurse 51 Spotlight 24Doctors Notes 53 E MS Focused 27RX Updates 56 Takeaways 28 My Story 34Fatigue-Free Foodie 58 Empowered 44MS Focus Brain Games59 3 msfocusmagazine.org'