b'MS Focus ActivitiesPearl Werfel By Kimani Hendricks Before setting her sights on psychology,Program, and pursued her Ph.D. at The Wright Pearl Werfel, Ph.D., anticipated becoming aInstitute in Berkeley, Calif. Wright got established special education instructor. In high school, sheby several professors from UC Berkeley who began volunteering at a camp for children withwanted to do something that was community-developmental disabilities. Later, fresh out ofbased rather than research-focused, Werfel the University of Florida, she moved to Harlemsaid. It was the only school at the time teaching as a VISTA volunteer in a Head Start Program,cross-cultural psychology. I went for my Ph.D. working with special needs children. The kidsthere because they were very interested in I worked with were not developmentally delayedwhat I was doing and that I wanted to help but did have mental health challenges, Werfelteenagers and homeless youth. San Francisco said. While passionate about guiding youth,was a magnet for runaway youth at the time, acolleagueintheprogramobservedandandmanystreetkidsgotinvolvedwith addressed Werfel about her forte. A psychologistprostitution. I wanted very much to work with asked me if I wanted to attend graduate school.them. The Wright Institute was the only school I liked working with the children individually"that would allow me to write a dissertation she stated.with that focus. Back then, they considered it During a library visit, Werfel explored mentalsocialwork,andpsychologistswerenot healthandsocial workprofessionsbeforesupposed to get involved in that way. Thankfully, uncovering the profession she gravitated tomuch has changed since.most: psychologist. At the time, California wasIn 1985, Werfel was diagnosed with multiple home to the best community mental healthsclerosis. Two years would pass before she globally. Ardent about being of service toreturned to work part-time because of her thecommunityandyoungpeople, Werfelsymptoms. There were no medications, and completed her master of science degree inshe prioritized self-care and wellness.clinical psychology at San Francisco StateBack then, folks called MS the diagnose University by the dawn of the 1980s. and adios disease because doctors had little During the next four years, she obtained athey could do to help, Werfel stated. They post-mastersinternshipattheCenterfortold me that when I needed a wheelchair, Special Problems, was employed as a staffthey could t me to one. Thats all they had to therapistatIAL AdolescentDay Treatmentoffer me, so I learned as much about wellness msfocusmagazine.org 24'