b'at age 40, and annually after the age of 50. IfPeople with MS should get annual inuenza there is a family history of breast cancer, andvaccination. A practice advisory from the screening is usually recommended at a youngerAmerican Academy of Neurology found strong age. Patients should consult with a gynecologistevidence against an increased risk of MS about the appropriate beginning age. A Papexacerbation after inuenza immunization. smear is recommended at least every one-to- Given the recent pandemic with COVID-19, three years for women who are or have beenMS patients should also receive immunizations sexually active. and boosters against COVID-19.Annual prostate exams are recommendedInsummary,certaincomorbiditiesare to men over the age of 50. African-Americansmore prevalent in people with MSsuch as or those who have a family history of prostatedepression, anxiety, cardiovascular diseases cancer, should start at age 40. Sigmoidoscopy and certain autoimmune disorderssuch as and colonoscopy is recommended: every vediabetes, thyroid disease, and inammatory years starting at age 50 for sigmoidoscopy, orbowel disease. Regular screening for health every 10 years for colonoscopy. Screening forconditions, comorbidities, cancer screening, high-risk individuals should begin earlier.and immunizations are essential in order to Women over the age of 65, or at age 60 ifimprove quality of life and overall clinical they have higher risk because of impairedoutcomes.mobility or family history of osteoporosis, should consider having a bone density screening. Bone density screening is recommended for any patient with certain risk factors for osteoporosis, includingprolongeduseof steroids or anticonvulsants, a family history of osteoporosis, or a sedentary lifestyle.Vaccinations Given the high likelihood of receivingSnap Hookimmunosupressants, MS patients shouldPremium Zipperadhere to standard immunizations. Inactivated vaccines are generally considered safe forCondensation Mesh Pocket Easy Glide Webbing & Sliderpeople with MS, including those taking a disease-modifying therapy. Live-attenuated30 Inch Adjustable Straps (Qty:2) Shoulder Pads/Chair Protectors Multi-Wear D Ringsvaccines are generally not recommended for a person with MS. There have been speculations and concerns regarding the possibility of certain vaccines, such as the Hepatitis B vaccines as a cause of MS. Best evidence at present from numerous case control studies does not support a link between any vaccination and causation of MS. In addition, there does not appear to be any evidence that vaccinations cause or precipitate relapses in people known to have MS.23 msfocusmagazine.org'