b'Epstein-Barrvirustodevelopothernovelstudy. Since BMI can be a confounder in therapies. Using cerebrospinal uid and bloodvitamin D levels in MS patients, this was marked samples from patients with MS at the onset ofin all patients to differentiate in analysis. Four disease, researchers identied that the cross- singlenucleotidepolymorphismswere reactive EBV EBNA1 peptide and GlialCAMselected for evaluation. There was an increased protein antibodies were present in 20-25 percentresponse in carriers of the risk allele associated of people with MS. This shows there may bewith two for the genetic markers, rs7041 and a pathway for a mechanistic link betweenrs12368653. The ndings were published in EBV infection and the pathobiology of MS.PLoS ONE. Mice studies were also conducted to show thatDr. ThrowerVitamin D deciency is common co-immunization with EBNA1 epitope progresses the autoimmune demyelination. The ndingsin the MS community. Even in individuals were published in the journal Nature.with reasonable diets and sunlight exposure, Dr. ThrowerMS results from a complexmany with MS have low levels of 25-hydroxy interactionofgeneticandenvironmentalvitamin D. We know vitamin D plays a role in factors. We have long suspected that certainbone health, but it is equally important in viruses, especially Epstein Barr Virus, play aimmune function. Lower levels of vitamin D have role in the development of MS. Almost everybeen linked to lower numbers of T-regulatory adult human on Earth has been exposed tocells and higher numbers of Th17 inammatory EBV. In the person with the right genetics, EBVcells. Studies have shown that getting 25-hydroxy may trigger an abnormal immune response,vitamin D levels up into the mid-normal range leading to the development of MS. Its important(around 50 ng/ml) may be associated with to note there is no evidence to suggest MS isfewer MS relapses and new lesions on MRI. an ongoing, active EBV infection. This studyVitamin D supplements can be in the form of represents a major leap forward in under- ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) or cholecalciferol standing how the immune system is fooled(vitamin D3). The latter is the animal-based by EBV. These researchers have identied theform and is preferable to the plant-based specic EBV protein that fools the humanvitamin D2. There really is no one-size-ts-all immune system and what myelin protein isdose of vitamin D. For people with low being attacked. This could open up a whole25-hydroxy vitamin D levels, we commonly new line of therapy targets in the MS world.use an over-the-counter vitamin D3 50,000 Genetics may produce differingunits by mouth weekly dose. It is important vitamin D supplement responsesto monitor blood levels to make sure they are adequate but not excessive. High levels of Researchers from the Netherlands did avitamin D can be linked to ectopic calcication posthoc extended analysis of the SOLARIUMincludingkidneystones. Thisstudyadds study in a cohort of relapsing-remitting MSanother layer of complexity to the vitamin D patients who received interferon-beta treatmentsstory. Genetic differences may lead to different using high-dose vitamin D3 supplementsresponses to vitamin D supplementation. I compared to placebo. 34 participants consenteddo think we are moving closer to an era of to genetic testing and of those, 20 were part ofpersonalizedmedicinethatwillinclude the high-dose supplement arm in the SOLARIUMgenomics to let us guide therapeutics. 55 msfocusmagazine.org'