b'National MS Education and Awareness Month 2022in the MS CommunityThis year, MS Focus helped those in the MS community by putting a spotlight on the importance of becoming part of a community and on advocacy. With the support of our sponsors for 2022s National MS Education and Awareness MonthGenentech, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Sanofi, Biogen, EMD Serono, Novartis, and Viatriswe presented a series of informative national teleconferences. We also distributed a free MS Awareness booklet to 70,000 subscribers of the MS Focus Magazine. If you did not receive a copy, you can do so by contacting us at support@msfocus.org or by phone at 888-673-6287. TeleconferencesFor the safety of our staff and the MS community, our programs were once again presented online because of COVID-19. Our 2022 National MS Education and Awareness Month teleconference series was jam-packed with important topics, helpful information, and relatable experiences. Here are the details of the programs we presented this year:Redening Yourself with MSTyler Campbell, Patient Advocate msfocus.us/TCampbell Tyler Campbells goal was to be a professional football player like his father. After being diagnosed with MS while in college, his life took a turn in a completely different direction. Tyler has many skills. One of these skills is the ability to inspire individuals to live their best life with MS. His story is both inspiring and motivating. Participating in Clinical TrialsDeborah Backus, PT, PhD, FACRM-ACRM msfocus.us/Research22 Dr. Backus stresses that most of the items we use on a daily basis are available to us as a result of research. Treatments, drugs, and diagnostic methods are safe, effective and made possible because of research. Different methods of MS research are basic science, epidemiological studies, patient registries, and clinical trials. Participating in clinical trials is a particular opportunity to change the course of MS. 29msfocusmagazine.org'