b'and undertreated by healthcare providers. becauseofage-relatedandMS-related However, studies of mental health in oldercomorbidities. Seeking advice regarding any and younger persons with MS found oldernew or changing symptoms of MS from your persons are better able to cope with changeshealthcare provider is essential. Having a as they occur and are less reactive to problems.primary healthcare provider and completing The ability to adapt to disease and disabilityage-related and preventative health screenings over time may be the reason older peoplewill guide treatment to minimize the effects with MS report fewer mental health issuesofcomorbiditiesonMS.Maintainingan than their younger counterparts. In one study,exercise program, being socially active, and older people with MS were in better mentalreceiving treatment for mental health issues health than physical health and a commonhas been shown to increase quality of life in theme was they had lived with MS for a longolder people with MS. As a person ages, it time and learned how to better manage thebecomes very important to reflect on and effects. accept ones life. Changes occur and challenges According to the National Council on Aging,may seem daunting but with guidance and older adults report improved well-being whilehelp from family, friends, and healthcare socially active, working or volunteering, andproviders, older people with MS can have a during exercise. Although many older peoplelong and fullling life.with MS do not work, maintaining social interactionandanexerciseprogramcan improve quality of life. During the pandemic, social isolation was common because of the need to quarantine to avoid COVID-19. However, many people used the internet to engagewithothers.Remainingsocially engaged with friends and family through direct contact, technology, or phone can improve quality of life.Physical activity, as noted above, is known to increase mood and helps slow disability in people with MS. Joining a program specically for those with MS may increase social activity and mood.Living long with MSLiving long with MSAn important goal of healthy aging is living a longer and better life. A longer life for people with MS can be wonderful yet challenging. Physicalandpsychologicalproblemscan cause unique challenges in patients with MS 17 msfocusmagazine.org'