b'when driving, volunteer at a local schoolEat a healthy diet.Eat fruits, vegetables, and or community organization.whole grains. Choose low-fat protein sources Socialize regularly.Social interaction helpssuchassh,beans,andskinlesspoultry. ward off depression and stress, both of whichWhat you drink counts, too.contribute to memory loss. Look for waysManagechronicconditions.Follow your to get together with friends and family,doctors treatment plans for medical conditions. especially if you live alone. The better you take care of yourself, the Get organized.They say you are more likelybetteryourmemoryislikelytobe.Since toforgetthingsifyourhomeiscluttered.medications can affect memory, review your Write down appointments, lists, and events.medicationswithyourmedicalproviders Keep your keys, wallet, glasses, and otherregularly. essential things in a place set aside for themI am hopeful these seven tips will help only. Limit distractions and dont try to do tooyouimprove yourmemory.If youhavea many things at once. chronic condition that causes memory loss, Sleep well.Sleep is important in helping youspeak to your medical provider. Try to nd consolidate your memories. Most adults needout what is normal age-related memory loss. seven to nine hours of sleep a day.Whatever your age, there are many ways you can improve your cognitive skills.DDooyyoouuffeeeelltthheenneeeeddttoottaallkk??Please consider joining one of the many support groups that are affiliated with MS Focus. Please visit our website at msfocus.org, contact us at 888-673-6287 or email supportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest you. We are always here for you.Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: Tea with Me Community CareMiramar, Fla., Leader: Beyssa BuilWomen Who Disrupt MSMeetings Via Zoom, Leader: Kathy Chester 45 msfocusmagazine.org'