b'Medicine & Research HHeeaalltthhccaarreeSccrreeeenniinnggiinnMMSSSRegular screenings for health conditions are essential By Augusto MiravalleAdhering to a healthy lifestyle has provenincluding diagnostic delay, clinical presentation, benets in the care of multiple sclerosis patients.degree of disability progression, rate of health Research suggests that following a healthy diet,care utilization, working ability, employment being active, routine exercise, and avoidancestatus, and quality of life. of excessive salt, alcohol, and cigarette smokingScreeningsare linked to improved quality of life and betterRegular screening for comorbidities is clinical outcomes for people with MS. Inessential in the care of MS patients. In general, addition, preventive care and managementit is recommended that all patients schedule of comorbidities is extremely important.an annual visit with their primary care physician A comorbidity is dened as any additionaland check blood pressure, heart rate, weight, disease that coexists in a patient and is notheight,andbasiclabsincludingcomplete an obvious complication to the disease inblood count with differential, comprehensive focus, i.e. MS. Certain comorbidities are moremetabolic panel, thyroid function and fasting prevalent in people with MS. According to alipid prole, and blood sugar as well as urinalysis. comprehensive systematic review of 249Dental cleaning and examination is critical in articles, the most prevalent comorbidities in MSorder to prevent infections and gum disease. are depression (23.7 percent), anxiety (21.9It is recommended to see a dentist every six percent), high blood pressure (18.6 percent),months, and perform daily dental hygiene. high cholesterol (10.9 percent), and chronicForcertainpatients,anannualeyeexam, lung disease (10 percent).dermatological examination, and chest X-ray Several comorbid conditions are linked tois also recommended.increased disability progression, includingCancer screening is also very important in diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep disorders,MS. Some disease-modifying therapies have and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.been associated with an increased incidence Research studies suggest the presence of certainof cancer, particularly breast cancer with the comorbiditiesparticularly mental healthuse of ocrelizumab. Any MS patient receiving disordersnegatively affect employability, socialdisease-modifying therapies should discuss life, income, and interpersonal relationships.withtheirprimarycarephysicianregular It has been speculated that the presencecancer screenings. The American College of of comorbidities in MS patients may accountObstetricians and Gynecologists recommends for some of the variance observed in MS,mammogram every one-to-two years starting msfocusmagazine.org 22'