b'MS Focus ActivitiesEverything You Need to Know About MS Katrina Bawden, MSN, MSCN, FNP-C msfocus.us/KnowMS Learning how to be your own advocate is very important for a person with MS. Katrina discusses the need to nd a healthcare provider that you can work with, the importance of understanding your MRI, knowing the possible symptoms of MS, and preventing or treating comorbidities to help reduce those symptoms. The subjects of bladder dysfunction, difficulty sleeping, depression, and constipation were addressed. She also stressed how taking advantage of resources (such as grants and services) can be extremely helpful to the MS community.How to be a MS Advocate Cherie Binns, Dan and Jennifer Digmann, Shawn Feliciano, Seth Morganmsfocus.us/Advocate22 The panel was made up of various individuals who not only live with MS, but who advocate for the MS community.A large part of Shawns advocacy is made up of helping to educate the Hispanic MS community to have their voices heard and to encourage proper care. Jennifer and Dan started advocating for MS because their state of Michigan was assisting Jennifer by covering the cost of daily home health while Dan was at work. They recognized the importance of the My Choice Waiver Program so they wanted more people to receive the services. Cherie began advocating because she wanted to help people learn how to speak with their physicians about their MS. Seth participates on research committees as a way of advocating for the MS community. Access to CareAdam Chaifetz, DC, MSCS msfocus.us/Access22 Dr. Chaifetz discussed the recent advances in MS therapies, and the pricing of oral vs. injectable vs. infusion treatments. He also discussed the challenges many face that affect their access to care. For example, there are differences in commercial vs. health exchange policies. Many times there is also a difference in outcomes in diverse populations. Addressing solutions, he gave advice on dealing with insurance companies, and listed many of the agencies that offer patient copay assistance. msfocusmagazine.org 30'