b"What advice would you give totightly to what we do out of fear. We have others who are trying to give back? challenged ourselves to maintain a mindset There are so many unconventional andof abundance through it all, rmly believing creative ways that you or your business can'Where God guides, He provides.' Being able support a cause you are passionate about. Itsto continue to support MS Focus along with not just about writing a check, but creating anumerous other local schools and charities culture in your business and your everydayregardless of recession, pandemic, or whatever life that incorporates giving back. We have alsoelse is to come will always be a goal and core been continuously inspired by the generousvalue of our business. We also hope to inspire hearts of our teams and how excited they areother businesses to give back to the communities to participate in charitable initiatives in thethat build and support them. As local businesses, workplace. we are blessed with the opportunity to make a positive impact in our community, and we What did you learn, and what areaim to continue this in the years to come. your future goals?We would love to have people stop in and As a business, we have survived some verysee us if they are at an event in Scottsdale, challenging times in the hospitality industry,andtheycouldbidonoursilentauction including the recession of 2007-2009, as wellitems at that time. as COVID-19, and the subsequent mandatedTo learn more, contact the Sanders at: closures and limitations associated with it. It 602-302-7223, can be easy to fall into a scarcity mentality,email: julie@octaneraceway.com, focusing on what we don't have and clingingor visit: octaneraceway.comWant to Plan Your Own Fundraiser?To get help creating your own event to support people with MS contact: Debra Forman at 800-226-6495or email debra@msfocus.org 47msfocusmagazine.org"