b'Life with MSto my MS friends and fellow advocacy warriors.life changes may open is not automatic, fast, I am propped up when I need it thanks toor easy. I had to grieve for my losses before I them and know it is a mutually benecialcouldndthecombinationofthingsthat arrangement.were right for me to dig out of my depression. Everyone is different and my story is justOnly an individual can answer what works for my story. them and another persons list may frustrate Finding whatever is needed to grow andwhen it doesnt work for you. Luckily, I found the positive opportunities that unforeseenwhat I needed; you can too. New Ways You Can Help Us Help OthersMatching gifts are a great way to double the effect of a gift to MS Focus.Ask the company you work for if they have a matching gift program or encourage them to set one up. If an employee makes a donation to a charity, the company they work for matches that donation dollar-for-dollar. Many companies would love to support a charity if given the opportunity, so ask them to support MS Focus.msfocusmagazine.org 50'