b'NNeewwLLeeaaddeerrssFFaacceetthheeFFuuttuurreeNNaattaalliieeBBllaakkeeaannddKKaasseeyyMMiinnnniissbbrriinnggiinnssttiittuuttiioonnaalleexxppeerriieenncceeNatalie BlakeKasey MinnisttootthheeiirrnneewwrroolleessCo-Executive Director Co-Executive DirectorIn our Winter issue, MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation announced the upcoming retirement of long-time executive director, Alan Segaloff. Now, were delighted to introduce the new leaders of our organization: Natalie Blake and Kasey Minnis. Here we talk to them to learn more about them and about the future of the organization under their leadership. MS Focus Magazine: Lets ask the obvious questiontwo executive directors? Isnt that unusual?Natalie Blake: It may seem unusual to some, but its a strategy that worked for us in the past. Alan was also a co-executive director for many years before his colleague, Jules Kuperberg, retired. One of the benefits of that was, when Jules left, we didnt miss a step. None of that institutional knowledge was lost because he was working with a partner. And we have been working closely with Alan for several years, so its the same now. Kasey and I will oversee different aspects of the Foundation. Weve worked very closely together in our past roles as departmental directors. Kasey Minnis: Exactly. And, you know, in some nonprots, you might have a chief executive officer, chief programming officer, and a chief of operations. Its a similar approach. By dividing up the responsibilities, you make sure the best-qualied person is handling those duties. MM: So, lets talk about what duties you will be taking on. Natalie?NB: I will be responsible for overseeing the Foundationss programs and services, advocacy and outreach, and fund development.KM: She has a very strong background in those areas.NB: Ive been with MS Focus since 2009, and have served as the director of Program Services since 2012. In that role, I was responsible for overseeing all of the organizations programs, as well as our advocacy and outreach efforts.Ive actually been actively involved in patient advocacy since 1986. I testied before Congress in 1994 regarding portability of insurance and represented the needs of Florida residents during a Health Rights Conference at the Capitol. These efforts led to the passage of COBRA, and laws requiring group health plans to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions. I also have a background in fund development. For the past 13 years Ive been responsible for securing grants for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundations educational programs, and our programs and services. Prior to coming to MS Focus, I worked for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America, in roles responsible for fund development, special events, and volunteer recruitment.msfocusmagazine.org 8'